Powers, Abilities, Belongings and Weaknesses

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Note: When using his telepathic abilities, Artemis' irises glow a dark magenta color. When using his telekinetic abilities, his irises glow a bright magenta color. His powers are reliant on movement and focus, which means his opponents can stop him from using his powers by disrupting his concentration or restricting his movement.

Enhanced Strength: As a doppelganger-psychic hybrid, whilst not as strong as vampires, Artemis is noticeably much stronger than supernatural hunters, immortals and humans. Artemis can toss an average-sized, fully grown human across a room with some effort. His other feats include single-handedly lifting grown men high off the ground by the throat and snapping their necks, cutting off a person's head with his bare hands, and ripping out internal organs such as hearts with some effort. His strength is also slightly more powerful than werewolves and evolved werewolves in human form.

Enhanced Durability: As a doppelganger-psychic hybrid, Artemis can take a greater amount of physical damage than a normal human. Even after being shot with multiple bullets, Artemis has been seen to continue fighting, as long as he is not shot in the heart, or the head.

Accelerated Healing Factor: As a doppelganger-psychic hybrid, Artemis possesses the ability to recover tissue from any form of physical damage to his body in a matter of minutes, but still feel the pain of a wound before it heals. Artemis can snap his bones back into place after being broken and has been seen to fully recover from gunshots and stab wounds.

Psychic Visions: His visions show him events of the past or events in the near future, usually of a violent nature. Artemis describes them as feeling like electroshock therapy without the satisfying afterburn. His visions trigger spontaneously at random and only seem to occur when he physically touches an object or person. 

ESP (Sixth Sense): Artemis possesses an extrasensory ability similiar to spider-man's sense. His brain intakes and responds to stimuli at an accelerated rate, acting as a precognitive ability to sense potential and immediate danger, a kind of 'sixth sense'. This awareness thus implies some kind of intelligence. capable of parsing Artemis' surroundings, identifying and critically evaluating a threat at a subconscious level, thus alerting Artemis of dangers he cannot readily notice.

Telepathy: Artemis can read minds, communicate telepathically, and experience memories and thoughts of others. He can also sense the minds and emotions of others of those around him. Artemis can scan people's brain to find any information he needs, including memories. He can also telepathically communicate with others (namely Damon, Bonnie, Elena and Stefan) and even influence non-sentiments, such as animals.

- Telepathic Resistance: Artemis can resist the effects of compulsion and any other form of mental invasion and according to Bonnie, his mind has one of the strongest natural shields she has ever seen.

- Telepathic Links: Artemis has the ability to develop a mental link with any person which remains a connection to that individual.

- Telepathic Illusions: Artemis has the ability to project powerful realistic mental and sensory illusions through telepathic means, able to simulate invisibility for himself and other people, as well as being able to appear as a completely different person to multiple people.

- Telepathic Blasts: Artemis can produce blasts of psionic force which can induce pain or knock out a person. Stefan suffered great mental pain from his psionic blast, whereas Bonnie only showed some level of pain or discomfort when trying to enter Artemis' mind.

- Mental Detection: Artemis has the ability to sense where nearby individuals are.

- Mind Control: Artemis has the ability to manipulate the minds of others to get them to do what he wants them to do. He can control multiple people's minds at the same time. He does not like using this ability to make people do what he wants them to do all the time. 

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