student council

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"Can't fucking eyebrows do the paperwork himself?!"


the only thing that was heard in the room was the movement of papers, pencils writing down quickly and heavy breathings.

They were all thinking the same as the boy with grayish eyes but no one was going to say anything.


"Stop complaining shorty you're not going to gro—

The room stopped and gasped all along while she stopped herself and then for the brown haired girl suddenly the world was feeling awfully quite...

just one glance of the raven haired boy and whatever his best friend had to say was never heard and it never will.

after Levi turned his head back to the papers everyone left a small sigh and kept finishing in silence the last part of paperwork for the new students of the year cause at the end of the day they were the student council for something.

Levi's POV

Damn i hate doing this shit and where the fuck shitwin even is?.

Wait... why do i sound worried? funny cause it's not like i care anyways.

I kept heading to the exit of the school cause it was already time for me to go home, we always ended the work at the student council late cause we don't have other time to do it since we're well.. students too.

I don't remember exactly how I ended up being part of it but it was fine, Hanji can be a pain in the ass and Erwin a weird dude with concerning eyebrows but they were the only people i kinda get along with.

I disliked people? Well yeah, why i wouldn't?
People are scary but every member of the student council was good people, or that's what I feel at least.

i was peacefully turning to the main hall till I bumped onto something... or someone.

Ah this is great.

I looked at the person and of course it's this dude.
Long hair, green emerald eyes, tall as hell, strong aura and annoyingly handsome. Yeah that was someone i remember really well.

Eren Jaeger, aka, the popular and problematic kid.

I took a step back and looked at him almost letting the apology for bumping onto him slide through my mouth till i see that stupid smirk growing on his face and his charismatic eyes showing a hint of humor on them.
Whatever I had to say less than a second ago can GO TO HELL I was hearing already what he was about to say.

this asshole was not going to make fun of me, he wouldn't dare..

but oh!

he did.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 27 ⏰

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