The Truth Comes Out

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"Do you need something?" She asked casually.

"If you'd like, I could walk back with you? I was thinking of taking a midnight stroll in any case, so if you don't want to, I'll be heading the other way outside the dorms." You asked nonchalantly.

"Sure." She replied, blushing lightly in the dark room.

"Be honest, did Edward and the others set you up to this?" She asked curiously, and not in a mean or sarcastic way or anything, glancing at you in the low-light environment.

"Nope, I came out here because I simply wanted to." You said casually. You feel bad lying to her, but you're choosing to take a shot in the dark, in a sense, testing your friends claims.

"Great. I wouldn't mind you tagging along." She replied.

"You say that as if the others having an influence would affect your answer." You said cautiously.

"Nope, I just wanted to know if they did or not." She replied nonchalantly.

The chat continued until the end of the dorm block, going silent mainly due to not wanting to alert the faculty, as you've got to walk past the faculty building to get to the assembly hall.

Once you got there, Yang stopped just outside the open back entrance.

"Thanks for walking me back." She said with a smile.

"No problem." You said nonchalantly.

She entered the hall silent as a mouse, and you went back to the dorms.
Just before you got back to the dorms, you got a message from Yang, this time, including some emoji's.

"Hey there! Thanks for the night, it was fun☺"

"We should do it again sometime."

"Definitely😉! Your kind really knows how to drink! I'm never seen someone stomach straight whiskey before🙄"

"It's an acquired skill, say, how do you do that thing?"

"What? The emojis? You just click the button on the top right, the one that looks like a smiley face"

"Oh, je vois. So how exactly do you use them?"

"You basically use them to display a specific emotion"

"I see😆."

"You're getting the hang of it. See you at the initiation tomorrow!😁☺"

"See you there🙂."

"I just don't get it..." You muttered before entering the dorm, much to Edwards suprise.

"Back so soon?" He asked nonchalantly.

"Yeah. We just walked back, had a chat on the way, said goodnight, and left it there." You said casually.

"What did you talk about?" He asked curiously as Ezio chimed in.

"We just spoke about the night, and she wanted to know if you set me up to walk her back." You said casually.

"And what did you say!?" He asked again.

"I told her I would have taken a walk regardless. Look, not to be that guy, but why do you care so much about my love life? Not that I have eyes for her or anything." You replied cautiously.

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