Stan: alright yall so I officially feed my dog some-
Craig: of cartmans stored up fat?
Bebe: LMFAOOO 😭😭😭😭
Kyle: Uh.. Guys? 😔
Stan: What babe?
Stan: NO-
Stan has deleted a message*
Kenny: Yall I need to shit really bad.. but my toilets broke..🥲
Craig: Dude Kenny out of all the people your knocking at my door..
Kenny: Hell right baby bo-
*Craig muted Kenny*
*Cartman un-muted Kenny*
Craig: Dude come on I don't wanna hear him finishing that sentence with his broke ass.😒😒
Kenny: Shut the fuck up you blue autistic smurf😖😖😖
Stan: 😂😂😂😂
Wendy: the hell kind of Facebook mom are you??
Stan: oh please 🙄🙄🙄
Cartman: Guys.. *sniff* I'm getting my phone taking away..🤧🤧🤧
All: ..
Craig:HELL YES 🥳🥳🥳
Tweek: GAH- W-ait.. r-really!?
Cartman: Tweek shut your s--stuttering ass up💀💀💀💀💀
Craig: Dude shut the fuck up your fatass probably ate all my twinkies beside Tricia
Kyle: Probably why we don't have any leftovers anymore, or MAYBE that's why when we get in-line for lunch the lunch ladies be having to make us wait becuas some "Nikocado avocado" big ass self wanna eat all the fucking food like he don't eat at home or some shi💀💀💀
Cylde:HELPPPP 💀💀💀💀💀😭😭💀💀💀💀💀💀
Tolkien: Goddamn who got broflovski mad?😭
Tricia: Okay Craig please stfu becuase you the same person who was asking for McDonald's whenever we are coming back from the city..
Craig: wait wait wait wait a minute..
Tricia: I'm waiting 🙄
Craig: ight I'm back
Kyle: what the hell did you do..
Craig: She tried to wack me so I wacked that hoe back with a broom🤩🤩🤩
Tricia: Well shi.. you ain't wack me good enough 🙄
Toliken: Guys-
Cartman: Guys did you know I found a picture of toliken and his family of slaves back in the 1800s 😫😫😫
Tolkien: Bro-
Cartman: goddamnit I thought I took a picture..
Tolkien: haha fatass 💀💀😭😭😭💀💀💀💀💀
Pip: Uh oh hey Guys 🤓
Butters: HI Pip ☺
Cartman: eww..
Stan: wasn't your phone getting taken away?
Cartman: Well no bc I made my mommy a promise ☺ ☺
Kyle: After all the shifty shit you did to her, she stills forgives like nothing ever happend?..💀💀
Cartman: you got a problem? Atleast I ain't a Joo boy 😂😂💀💀💀
Kyle: Atleast I actually have a father figure i my life unlike yours who didn't even hesitate after leaving the hospital😭😭😭
Craig: Goddamn you good Kyle bc somebody got that nerve on you 😭😭😭
Kyle: I'm fine I was just being real with him😚😚😚
Bebe: Kyle.. Stan said he's taking you to the nursing home 😔
Kyle: Why? I'm not old..😃
Stan: so you can make fun of those old ass people ☺☺☺
Cylde: This has got it😭😭😭
Toliken: Now Stanley that's rude asf.. but also funny🫣🫣🫣
Pip: Guys be nice.. nice is the key🖐🖐🖐
Craig: Pip in all serious cases please shut tf😭😭😭😭😭💀💀💀💀
Damien: Craigory in all serious cases please go kys 😘 😘 😘
Kyle: goddamn.. 🤯
Kenny: Yo, where's my other bbg tweekers 🥵🥵🥵
Tricia: Okay that was fucking disgusting.. but he's running around craigs room rn..
Craig: Girl.. please you are your sitting on my chair trying to make it move like you wanna be a disabled child in a wheelchair like Timmy.😭💀💀
Kyle: WHY JIMMY 💀💀💀💀
Butters: Oh jeez, Craig that wasn't very nice to our fellow peers☹️☹️
Pip: Yeah that wasn't very nice..😔😡😡
Craig: occurring to my brain Pip needs some light in his brain
Damien: And you need To show some emotions once in a while emo🥰🥰
Cartman: Tbh you look emo with thoses crumbled eyebrows💀💀💀
Damien: Shut up you fat ass obesity rat.
Cylde: Wait isnt Me, Toliken and Craig making a project about obesity I think we should adds cartman name it would be kinda funny😁😁
Toliken: I mean it's true he's already fat as it is 😉😉
Cartman: And your already black as it is 💀💀💀💀
Craig: and your already fatter by the daylight😰😰😰
Stan: HELP😭😭😭😭
Bebe: I swear Craig comes up with the most realist things 😭
Wendy: ikr it's unbelievably😥😥😥
Stan: Guys just wait a minute okay brb.. 😔
Cartman: acting like we will miss him AHA- NOPE😝😝😝😝
Craig: Same way your father felt about you🥰🥰🥰🥰
Cartman: Stfu🙄🙄🙄
Kyle: That's just crazy.. I'm surprised Heidi dated a person without a father figure in his lifetime🫠🫠
Cartman: isn't your brother a stupid Canadian💀💀💀💀
Ike: and isn't your fatass a stupid boy who sits around and eats all day like a fucking hippo. Yk you ARE the hippo like go to a fat camp or some dui to loose some weight- yk your mother pushed you out to be a complete fatty ass child is fucking crazy to be exacted no wonder your dad left you from the hospital becuase he didn't want to be the father of a freaking obesity child who goes. "Nom nom nom" and "stomp stomp stomp" all the way💀💀💀
Ike has left the gc*
Stan: Well Goddamn..🤕🤕🤕
Kyle: that might have been hurt to Mr. Uh.. yk
Cylde: bet it was
Craig: the way he got silence or he just got Silenced is crazy🥹🥹🥹
Bebe: Ike was so real
Wendy: Well somebody had to put that fatass in his place sooner or later🥲🥲
Goofy ahh south park gc bc why not 🙄
HumorGoofy ahh south park gc.. ☺ •Contains ships well if you already know-•