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The car's backseat door is thrown open the second it's unlocked as they're not much more than a mess on each other; a mix of insistent need and pride —a confusing match that they've never tried to make sense of.

Hands grabbing at the smooth fabric of Minji's jersey as their shoes shuffle around noisy on the asphalt, trying to find the car's entrance. The two of them seemed to have little concern for the rain pouring onto their hair and shoulders, the cheerleader's smaller body impossibly warm against her own as she exhaled softly into the kiss.

Hanni struggled against Minji's lips as she reached up to pull the hair tie out of the taller girl's hair, spilling over her shoulders and smooth against her touch. She parted her lips slightly in return and chose to ignore how dizzy it all made her feel. Maybe it really has been this long since she's done this, barely managing to swallow her pride and let Minji take the lead.

She gasps as she feels strong hands on her sides; Minji practically tosses her into the backseat, thankfully clear of any clutter that usually covers it, and quickly climbs in over her as she pulls the door shut behind her with a foot. A hand ungracefully clings to the passenger seat's headrest and another propping herself up awkwardly. Hanni seemed all too content with just laying there as Minji stiffly manoeuvred her much larger frame around the limited space.

"Oh, hurry up already," Hanni bites, watching as Minji  finally was able to orient herself above her. "I don't have all day."

"Sorry, do you want to be the one on top this time?" Minji retaliates back. "If you think it's so easy, why don't you take your damn turn."

"No fucking thanks."

"Then don't complain."

Minji swears lightly as her grip nearly slips, barely able to catch herself as the car door's lights finally fade off and that infuriating smirking face finally disappears.

Fuck, is it always this horrible doing it in the car?

The annoyance gets pushed away from her thoughts the second she feels Hanni grab the collar of her jersey and jerks her down into a kiss for the second time that night, too insistent and rough to even be considered affection. Minji jams her knee into the seat and finally frees up her hand, letting it rest on the warm, smooth skin of the girl's waist. Small underneath her long fingers, causing her to toss underneath her touch with every soft squeeze.

Seems like Hanni had gotten the same memo despite their bickering up until this point — needy hands with a purpose were already finding their way under Minji's jersey and sliding up the smooth muscle of her back, fingers fumbling around to try and unclasp her bra but only finding the fabric back of a sports bra.

Minji pulled away with displeasure upon feeling teeth nipping at her bottom lip, squeezing particularly hard at the girl's waist in response.

"Hey," Hanni quips, pulling away from the kiss as her face was barely visible in the dark interior of the car. Her lips were wet and puffy from kissing her so persistently, drawn into a pout as she looked up at her in dissatisfaction. "Watch it. Don't leave bruises."

"Don't bite me then,"

replies, returning to occupy herself with feeling up the warm skin exposed between the pieces of the cheer team's uniform.

Not that it would ever stop her. Hanni brings her attention back to tug at Minji's jersey insistently before giving up, moving her hands down and trying to pull at the waistband of her pants. Her fingers barely grazed the material as she tried to get a hold on it, Minji too much taller than her to allow her arms to reach down that far.

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