Moments in June

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A Certain Tuesday in June

The Day Kotone Nearly Kills Someone

Who invented crepes?

No, seriously. What was their name?

What kind of medieval Frenchman took a look at a pancake, said 'let's make it thinner, cover it in deliciousness, and turn it into God's gift to desserts'? Where does the inspiration for that come from? What kind of divine providence must you have to be able to invent such an incredible treat?

Kotone didn't know.

But whoever invented these things, she wanted to shake their hand.

Those were the basic ideas running through her mind as she stood outside the Discount Store in Shibuya, chowing down on a double crème crepe. She could almost feel Ren's disappointed gaze as he stood silently under the awning next to her, hands as ever in his pockets. They had originally come to join Ann on her way to the hospital, but this whole modelling gig thing had come up, and now they were just waiting off to the side as Ann did... well, whatever models did. Honestly, Kotone wasn't quite sure.

"C'est magnifique!" Kotone giggled, using a napkin to wipe the last crumbs from her mouth. "Ann has some great taste in desserts."

"I'm sure." Ren pushed his glasses up, disapproval still clear on his face. "Not sure if a modelling gig is the best place to express that taste."

"Spoilsport." Kotone shrugged. "What's the harm?"

"It's just not very professional, I guess."

"And?" Kotone shrugged. "Why do you care? It's not like anyone's judging. Ann just does this as a hobby anyways."

In an instant, the woman in the blue dress who Anne was talking to snapped to attention. Kotone could almost have sworn she saw her ears perk up. The smile on her face turned from one of professional enthusiasm, to one of cutthroat opportunism.

It was the scariest expression Kotone had ever seen.

"Ann, that's so horrible!" The woman pouted, raising her voice into a whiny squeal. "What does your friend mean you don't care about modeling for these guys?!"


The two crewmembers turned towards the discussion, suddenly curious. "...she said that Ann?"

Ann stuttered, recoiling. "W-wait, I-"

"I love this magazine!" The woman stomped her foot. "Everyone tries so hard to make sure their product is the best! It's unfair of you to think that!"

"H-hold on..." Ann blanched. "Just wait a second here..."

Kotone could only blink, staring in shock as the assistant scratched his head. "Ann, the truth is, we had both you and Mika come down as substitutes for our missing model." He shrugged. "We wanted both of you on the cover, but if you're not really interested..."

"H-hey, I didn't..."

"Don't worry, I... I can do it alone! I read the concept docs on my way here..." The woman sniffed dramatically, turning away from the men as her smile shifted once more to evil. "...heh."

"Oh, that's it." Kotone reached over her shoulder, setting down her bag. "I'm kicking her ass."

"Kotone, wait." Ren put an arm around her waist, holding her back as Kotone tried to beeline straight towards the two-faced model. "Don't cause a scene."

"A scene?" Kotone paused, stepping back. "She just totally duped Ann!"

"Y-your friend is so mean Ann!" The woman wiped her eye, stepping back. "Do you all really hate me that much?!"

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 28 ⏰

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