Break me (Part 2 out of 11)

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Here this weeks chapter!


Jungkook barely managed to close the door behind him before the sheer rage inside of him spilt over, but he reined it in with practised control. Namjoon was fragile after everything, more fragile than the older wanted to show. He knew that Namjoon would not react well if Jungkook displayed some of his anger; the detective would blame himself more than he already did. So Jungkook had to keep it either under lock and key or away from Namjoon.

Namjoon's own people had turned against him, and now they were blaming Jungkook's people, even though they knew that Namjoon was not to be touched.

They would regret this, and Jungkook was not going to let Namjoon go again. The man had just been betrayed by everybody he held dear, his entire life having been turned upside down, and Jungkook would not make it worse by overwhelming him.

This was his chance to convince Namjoon to stay. He had always assumed that his crush on the detective would go nowhere, but suddenly a chance had dropped into his lap perfectly.

It was something that he would not take for granted. All he had to do was convince Namjoon that it was the best idea, and that everything would be fine.

But first, somebody needed to learn a bit of respect, and it was a perfect evening for revenge. They would learn the hard way never to throw the blame at Jungkook and his family when it came to things like these. Jungkook took his position very seriously, and while he had gotten the job from his father, well, Jungkook was the one to make sure that his father had not been able to continue. But that was truly a story for a different day.

Forcing every part of his body to relax, Jungkook started plotting as he made his way towards his office. He didn't want to leave Namjoon behind, but there were cameras outside of the room that would warn him if something happened, and Namjoon deserved better than what he had gotten, even if the detective might not agree.

As he got his anger under control, he swirled around a glass of dark liquor, looking over his options with the cool head of somebody who had run this family since the age of 20, now nearing 30. He had long since learned how to turn off his emotions when it was time for work.

The snow was falling much heavier now than the night he had found Namjoon, and those four days where the man had been unconscious had been nothing but pure worry and fear. When Doctor Kim had delivered the news that it was likely that Namjoon would never wake up again, Jungkook had not taken it well.

It would have gone very differently if Seokjin, also known as Doctor Kim, wasn't one of the few people that Jungkook actually trusted and could call him out on stuff when Jungkook was being unreasonable, which maybe he was just a little bit when it came to Namjoon.

Still, Seokjin had a point when he had told Jungkook that they would have to wait, that it made no sense to start a war when you had no idea who you were fighting.

Now he knew who he was fighting, and some people were about to learn the meaning of respect.

Finishing his glass of liquor with one last perfect swirl around the glass, he reached for his phone while throwing up his legs on the overly expensive mahogany table. Leaning back in his chair, he dialled a number he knew by heart, Taehyung's groggy voice answering him, "What's up, boss?"

"You are expected in 1 hour, bring Jimin and Hope, I have a job for the three of you," there was a seriousness to his voice that instantly got Taehyung's attention.

"Got anything fun for us?" There was a teasing tone in the man's voice, something he was one of the few people who could get away with.

A small grin spread on Jungkook's lips as he set his plan into action, "Let's just say... you did say you wanted a challenge and something new."

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