Hibernation (part 4 out of 6)

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Another monday and another chapter!


Worrying about his boyfriends at all times of the day was a state of being that Seokjin was very much lying to himself about.

He hadn't signed up to be the worrier, or even worse, the adult. He knew that wasn't how it was; they had all talked about it before, agreeing they were equals no matter their ages. But, God, that didn't stop him from worrying.

So yes, he was concerned about leaving Namjoon alone to hibernate.

He knew it was important. Seokjin himself had been one of the strongest advocates for Namjoon to do it, and he trusted their security system to keep him safe.

Still, as he sat in his office, the worry continued to gnaw at him.

The thing was, he also knew his boyfriends better than they sometimes knew themselves. He knew that as a fellow worrier, Yoongi would come back during lunchtime.

Lunch was about as long as the cat hybrid could control himself before checking up. Yoongi would deny having gone to check on Namjoon, but he would still do it and then text Seokjin that Namjoon was okay.

They would both pretend it didn't happen, of course, as both were very much in denial and would continue to be so about their roles as the worriers of the group.

Seokjin did get a bit anxious when Yoongi's text that everything was okay was later than he would have liked, but it still came, and that was the most important part. Yoongi had always liked a good nap, so maybe he had decided to do a bit of short-term hibernation with their favourite bear. Seokjin couldn't blame him for that. As he slouched through paperwork, he would have been more than happy to lie down for a nap himself.

When Yoongi's message finally arrived, Seokjin felt he could relax just a little, stretching his spine and doing a posture check. He had four hours left in his workday, and Yoongi said Namjoon was fine, fully asleep and already sinking into hibernation.

All was good. Seokjin could finish up his workday.

It was one of his least effective days of work, if he was honest. He kept getting distracted, both checking his phone and browsing online for advice on what to do with a bear partner.

It was something none of his boyfriends would ever find out about—all the bookmarked pages he had leading to forums about the best ways to support your partner depending on their hybrid species. He had bookmarks for all of them, and he would go to his grave denying it.

He scratched his jaw as he read through a prey woman's account of how it was when her girlfriend, a grizzly bear, went into hibernation. His mane was starting to come in again, and he couldn't help but cringe.

He hated when it was growing out, but, God, he hated it even more when it was fully grown. Seokjin liked well enough how he looked with his fully grown mane, but he hated the feeling of it, so he always cut it short. The sensation of it growing back was even worse.

There was truly no perfect solution unless he started getting it lasered off, and then it would become complicated.

He scratched at it more as his lion tail started sweeping behind him. His chair was specifically made to ensure he wouldn't sit on it.

Seokjin knew objectively that on any other day, he would not have been nearly as annoyed by his mane as he was at that moment. However, he couldn't shake it; everything irritated him.

It was only his long-standing and hard-fought self-control that made him finish his workday, pack up at a socially acceptable pace, and return home at a normal speed.

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