Episode 2, Bow and Arrow

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Waking up in the morning is like shit on a plate. I woke up feeling dryer than Bojangles's fries, and I was not feeling getting out of bed.

But when I did, I hopped in my car and went to school. One thing you need to know about Matchmakers is that they always have their bow and arrow on them.

"How does that work?" Well, Matchmakers can go invisible to the human eye when transformed into a cupid. Pretty cool right? When I aim to a couple I have two options: Hit one person and hope for the best, or getting a double kill; Both are shot, and are definitely falling in love.

Have you ever seen the comics of cupid when the guy they shoot falls for the wrong person? Well yeah that can happen... And, it's happened before. Although it's a pretty common story through the Matchmaker business, it's not very often it happens.

"Hello?? Dani??"
I shake out of the daze I was in ever since I got in the building. All I was thinking out was what if I accidentally hit a "right person, wrong look"? I was freaking out.

"Oh hey Cora, sorry I've just been stressing lately" I say to one of my favorite humans on earth.

As a AM I've been on earth for a while. I got here at the age of a freshman, and the only reason I'm where I'm at now is because of Cora. (BY THE WAY I AM THE CORRECT AGE, I'M NOT LIKE A BILLION YEARS OLD DON'T WORRY!)

"Well I hope everything is okay! Also, my boyfriend invited me to one of his friend's parties. He said that he would be a bit late so ask someone to watch me before I get drunk."

hehe finally, a place to capture desire and get a human raise.

"Ha that sounds fun. I'll come, just text me when you're ready" I say. I am really feeling a relax after a week of stress because of not wanting to get burnt to crisps.

I walk to my next class until I stop.

Bullseye. My next two targets.

Zoe and Owen, THE freshman and sophomore fling that has been going on since this summer. I know I know, really young, BUT STILL if it makes me a bit of cash, I'm down.

I transform into AM mode in the stairwell while no one can see, and pick out the best angle to hit a two in one bullseye. I see their bodies produce the Love Aura and collect it in the Aura Bottle. I'm gleaming with joy when I see this shit. This is like a drug you have to hide because if I see this shit I'm becoming the craziest thief in the world.

Right after I hit them it's like the world goes upside down. Zoe starts laughing really hard at Owen's jokes, and Owen is trying his hardest to hide the fact that's he's bricked. Funny.

After that, I just kinda roamed the halls before my next period, and of course tough luck hit me hard today. WHERE ARE ALL THE COUPLES? WHERE ARE ALL THE TALKING STAGES? No where.

AFTER SCHOOL (Ain't no body wanna hear about that shit anyways)

When I get to my apartment, I just lay there.

Then I get up and make bagel bites, and oh shit-


Sooo how are we feeling? I know I know, "WHERE ARE THE LOVE INTERESTS??"


Anyways, love you and have a good sleep


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