4. Cheated

293 21 4

March 20, 8 Am

"Freya.." Taehyung calls patting his girlfriend's arm. She groans and rolls onto her stomach, yanking away his hands whilst mumbling something. "Freya, it's already 8. Don't you need to go to the office?" Taehyung asks, letting out a chuckle and ruffling his girlfriend's hair. She looks adorable as she sleeps.

"Call me after five minutes, honey," she mumbles, squirming her face into the pillow.

"No, I'm leaving. So, get up now. Or you won't go to office today," Taehyung says and goes towards his wardrobe to grab his coat.

"To where?" Freya asks, finally lifting her head from the pillow.

"Hospital. Where else?" Taehyung asks with a smile, looking at her through the mirror near the wardrobe.

"But you just came back from the hospital, right?" Freya says and sits up on the bed with a frown. "Going back again??"

"Yeah, I need to check up on a patient." Closing the wardrobe, Taehyung turns around with his coat in his hands.

"What? Tae, you didn't sleep for two nights continuously! Isn't Charlie and the other doctors there? Why do you need to work for so many hours, honey?" Freya asks through a yawn.

"It's because this patient is a South Korean and he only trusts me. And I actually got some sleep at my cabin yesterday. Look at me, doesn't I look fine?" Taehyung smiles wide.

"No, you don't. You need to rest, honey. Look at the dark circles under your eyes," Freya sighs.

"Okay, I promise I'll return early and rest until evening. Then I'll pick you up from your office. Let's go out for dinner."

"Oh no!" She shakes her head. "Babe, we have a party tonight. I'm really sorry. It'll be late when it ends."

"Oh.." Taehyung nods. "Okay then, give me a call when the party ends."

"No, it's okay. Chloe will drop me. You take rest after coming back."

"No, it's okay. I can.."

"No, it's not okay. You need rest, honey. Don't worry about me. I'll be alright."

"Hmm..okay then," Taehyung smiles and goes to her, giving her a tight hug before pressing his lips on her soft ones. "Have a great day, babe. I love you."

"Love you," Freya replies pulling away, smiling.

It's almost 8:15 when Taehyung reaches the hospital. He goes straight to the ICU after signing on the register. Jungkook was already lying awake. The boy instantly shoots up from the bed with a wide smile on seeing him.

"Doctor Kim! I inquire of you and that lady did inform me you aren't hither."

"I went home. I came just now. Did you sleep well, Jungkookie?" Taehyung asks with a smile, noticing Jungkook used the pronoun 'you' instead of 'thee' and 'thy.'

"Yea, and I did have a vision!"

"Oh, a dream?" Taehyung asks, going closer to Jungkook.

"Yea, in the dream, I find myself afore a grand purveyor of food items. I do speak a word whilst gazing upon the comestibles, and lo, they do soar into mine hand. I did partake of much fare, and it was all most delectable."

"Oh, you mean food? You ate a lot of delicious food items? Really?" Taehyung chuckles.

"Aye!" Jungkook nods and giggles.

"So, have you remembered anything else? Do you remember any persons? Your father, mother, brother, sister, anyone?"

Jungkook shakes his head with a pout. "I cannot recall any face."

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