37. Finally got rid of her

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Busan, 15 April, 10 am

"What the hell do you want?!" Taehyung snaps, rising up from his chair, as soon as Freya opens his cabin door and walks in. Jungkook was beside him, invisible, with an extremely annoyed expression on his face.

"This is my consulting time! Get out!" Taehyung scoffs as Freya nonchalantly walks towards him.

"Calm down. I took an appointment," she says and sits down on one of the chairs opposite him.

Taehyung lets out a sigh and slumps down on his chair. "Why the hell did you come here now?"

"I came yesterday also. I passed out here in your cabin for more than an hour! I'm sure you saw me and purposefully left without meeting me!" Freya says.

"Yeah, I saw you and I purposefully left. I hate seeing your face. Just leave me alone!" Taehyung snarls.

"You want to get rid of me and all the responsibilities after making me pregnant?" Freya chuckles.

"You know, that's not my child!" Taehyung says through gritted teeth in exasperation.

"It's your child!" Freya screams, glaring hard at Taehyung. "Kim Taehyung, if you don't cooperate, I'll file a case against you for leaving me after raping me and making me pregnant!"

Taehyung's mouth drops open while Jungkook's hands automatically fist into balls in anger.

"You know, you'll have to give me a huge compensation and spend many years in prison if I do that," Freya says with a smirk.

Jungkook instantly summons his wand from home and mutters the stunning spell at Freya, making her still like a statue, her face still in an evil smirk. "Hyung, what shall I do to her?" He asks, removing the invisibility spell from him.

"I don't know," Taehyung looks at Jungkook and then rubs his face in frustration. "Why did I even like this woman?"

"I'll use the truth spell on her again. You can make her tell it's not your child and we shall record the video," Jungkook says. "Show it to her and tell her you know how to hypnotism."

Taehyung stares at the younger's face for a moment. Then he nods his head and grabs his phone from his desk. Jungkook removes the stunning spell from Freya and casts the truth spell on her. Taehyung opens the camera on his phone and clicks on the record button before once again asking her about the child and making her tell the truth. Once he is done, Jungkook releases the charm from her and she falls back on the chair.

After a minute, Freya blinks her eyes open and looks at Taehyung with a frown. "What happened to me? What did you just do to me?!" She snarls. Glaring at her, Taehyung plays the video and turns his phone screen to her. "What! This is not true! How did you.."

"There's one thing you don't know about me. I can hypnotize people. You just told me it is Aiden Huxley's child. Are you again going to deny it?" Taehyung asks.

"Yes! It's not his child! You manipulated me into telling lies!" Freya scoffs.

"Oh really?" Taehyung chuckles. "Whatever, I'm going to send this video to Aiden Huxley and his father. I've their number," he says and simply taps on the share icon.

"No!" Freya squeals and jumps up from the chair, trying to snatch the phone from Taehyung's hands. Taehyung quickly moves back on his swivel. "Taehyung! Delete the video!"

"Oops, I already send him the video!" Taehyung says.

"Tae, please delete the video! I promise I won't disturb you again," Freya says.

"How can I be sure? And you said you're going to file a case against me. I need something to save myself, right?" Taehyung asks.

"I'm not going to file a case against you. I didn't mean it. Please delete it before Aiden sees it. They'll kill me and my child. Please Taehyung," Freya begs with an extremely nervous expression on her face.

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