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John has a secret!

Well.. John has many secrets, some more dark then others... but thats not what we're here to talk about!

We're here to talk about his three biggest and most (seemingly) harmless secrets!

Secret numero uno; John is a major nerd! Said major nerd also happens to have a major crush on none other then Zirian, the king of his old highschool, which is his second secret!

His third secret?

He's a stalker.

Or at least.... thats how he feels right now.

See, John was unaware of many things about Zirian. They were never really close back at New Bostin despite John's numerous attempts at connection (with his fists).

This lack of knowledge about Zirian has led John to his current predicament.

You see, being a history nerd with a passion for the arts, John frequently visits the Wellston Gallery to study the historical paintings there.

As he flips through his pages though, he finds that the only thing he managed to draw was Zirian.. who happened to be in the same gallery having a scholarly debate with his classmates over the various techniques used in the centerpiece at the gallery.

John mentally beats himself up, wishing desperately that he had listened to Claire when she told him that Zirian was going to college in the area to study Art history and Architecture.

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