The rise of the toes 🦶

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It all start with a bang ,  THE BANG , THE START OF THE UNIVERISE 💥 🫣 


*POP* 🎉

The first thing to be made in this universe was toes 

then it was earth, the first plant in this universe but not the last for sure .

*100 billion year time skip

It is now the year 1078 and there is a raging war going on the plant(earth), all beascue sir toesalot was killed in cold blood by king sir of the toes the 9th, the plant is divided and millions of people are going hurger but in the dark runes of the once great city of sir toesalot is a dirty weed addicted letus, and what is her plan your may ask? it is to go on a great toe licking mission to stop king sir of the toes the 9th , (lets use tt9 for short).

so letus is about to set out on her journey to become the master of toes , only one other person had become toe master before and they have been toes less for a long time 

(for conext the more toes you have the more powerful ur are and if u loss you toes your die 💀)

*letus toews at the start of the misson*

(she is middle class not poor but not rich)

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(she is middle class not poor but not rich)

okay lets get back to the story

so we watch letus climb around the runes looking for dead bodys (to steal the toes) then in the distence she see something move 😟

is it the toe police come to steal her toes to give to the king ??😱

but as she looks carefully she can see a can??

a can of spam???

she though their people had been killed out when tt9 rounded them up to be killed by gas?

and it had toes, that all she cared about 😡

she came rushing at with her toecutter going right for the neck.




your sick bastard that's so gay!!!

spam just look back at her just chewing on his mouthful of letus hair 😤


spam just pulled up this hand and pulled the finger 🖕


letus did not take that disrespect and with on fast swipe she took off his toes(6),  then shots spam in the head , leaving his lifeless body there , she started her mission to the city of the feet as she now had toes  to spend . 🙌

what will happen next in this heart stopping story well tune in next time on, The stories of The universes.........

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