Five- Consulting Detectives

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A/N: Salut reader-chan!! I hope you all are enjoying this story so far! THANK YOU SO SO MUCH FOR 82 READS!! "uhh's only 82, pretty sure people have millions?" Yeah they do, they really do person, but at one time that person had 82 reads. And maybe at one time they were really excited that 82 people cared enough to click on your icon and read what you have written, even if it was just a bloody fan fiction about Sherlock Holmes. So again, reader-chan, I thank you sincerely from my heart. LOVE YOU OvO anyway enough babbling....onto what you care about: the story. I left you all kinda hanging there at the end didn't I...sorry :( oh one more thing. I'll feel really bad if I didn't dedicate this to sherlockWinchester17 not only have they voted and commented on almost every chapter so far, I'm sorta using one of their ideas in this hehe. If you haven't, definitely check them out!!

Sherlock's POV

My mind was still swirling after the events that had happened recently. I tried very hard to push them out but it wasn't easy. (F/n) and I didn't waste any time getting out of the lab. I think we both agreed that we needed to be far away from the place for the time being. I hailed us both a cab and we piled in.

Neither of us spoke in the car ride. We both looked at each other in shock when we heard (f/n)'s stomach growling.

"Hungry?" I chuckled.

"I've just realized I haven't eaten." she was stoic. Almost robotic. It might my heart ache to think that her bubbly personality had gone under the covers to hide.

"Driver, Cafe on fifth, please."

He did as he was told, not complaining about the fact that it was the other way. He was getting paid more and I was getting what I wanted. I hated the difficult cabbies.

(F/n) was looking down at her folded hands, silently. I carefully reached over and put my hand on top of hers. Just a friendly gesture.

"You okay?" She asked me and I pulled my hand back in surprise.


"I asked if you were okay?" She looked up at me. A streak on her cheek had formed from a recent tear.

"I-I am fine. You are not." I tried to move my hand back to her's.

"Of course I'm not okay, Sherlock Holmes. There is no way you could be either! You just watched a man DIE!" She yelled through gritted teeth then buried her head in her hands.

I moved over towards her, wrapping my arms around her and she leaned into me, softly crying into my jacket. I didn't necessarily know how to deal with this type of emotional contact. I did remember one time John comforting Mary when she was watching a sad film, he did this to her. Then he kissed the top of her head.

I did that to (f/n) and she looked up at me.

I brushed a piece of hair out of her face. "I promise you everything is going to be okay."

The cab came to a stop and we both got out. We walked into the cafe and sat down at a table by the window.

I ordered a coffee and (f/n) ordered tea. She claimed she wasn't hungry (or didn't have much of an appetite) but I knew better and ordered a piece of toast.

She sipped at her tea. "Alright, Holmes. Explanation."

I smiled. She was becoming more herself again.

"I-I really don't know where to begin."

"The beginning."

I smirked and took a sip of my coffee.

"Well, I'm a consulting detective. That means that people come to me with their criminal cases, like you, and I solve them."

"Isn't that what Scotland Yard is for?"

"I am far better than Scotland Yard!"

"Really? I mean, how far are you on my case exactly?" She smiled so I knew she was joking.

"Alright easy there, tiger," I said successfully making her blush. I liked teasing her. I had known since we got into the cab after the music store she had feelings for me. The terrible part about it was I had feelings for her too. I refused to admit it to myself. I refused to lose. Especially if the whole reason she was here was because of Moriarty.

"So anyway. Sometimes I work with Scotland Yard. I have a friend who works there, the detective inspector, Gram or George or something."

"He's your friend and you don't even know his name?"

"Minor details, (f/n). Minor details."

She rolled her eyes.
I proceed to tell her about meeting John and the cases we solved together. From A Study in Pink to The Richenbach Fall. All about Moriarty.

"Do you think that's why the man jumped off the roof today?" She asked. Her eyes showed she was genuinely concerned.

"I can speculate, yes."

"Sherlock," she began, carefully forming her words. "How did you know him?"

I looked down at my coffee. 

"He was my professor at university. Dr. Ferguson. Taught classic literature. I hated the class. But then we read this book and it just opened my eyes up. He really liked my personality and I liked that he didn't give a damn. We were a good match." Moriarty's words from long ago burned in the back of my mind. "I will burn the HEART out of you!" I was afraid that he was finally putting that plan into action. 


I unlocked the door to the flat and (f/n) and I walked in. It was dark and the cold air got even colder. Once home, (f/n) found her way over to the couch and sat down. She crossed her legs and put her elbows on her knees, resting her hands on her fists. She was thinking. I chucked and walked over to the stereo. I had a plan. An experiment maybe. 

"What was that book you were talking about earlier?" She asked pulling me out of my thought process. "The one that opened your eyes?"

I smiled at her. It was so nice to be listened to. "Catcher in the Rye." 

"Do you have it?" 

I walked over to the shelf and through some books on the floor to be able to get to it. My heart caught in my throat and I threw it to her. She caught it and looked at the worn down cover and looked at the first page. If lost please return to Charles Ferguson

"Sherlock, I'm so sorry."

"It's fine." 

She opened the book and began reading. I walked back over to the stereo and hooked my phone up to it. I played one of my very favourite songs. 

She smiled to herself about the music and continued reading. I sauntered over ot her and held out my hand. 

"Care to dance?"

She looked back down to try and hide her blush. "I'm reading." 

I grabbed her hand and pulled her up to her feet, her face inches away from mine. "The book will always be there," I said a tad seductively. "The song, however, is only four minutes and fifty nine seconds." 

I walked her over to the sitting room area and held her hands in the right position. 

"S-sherlock I'm a rubbish dancer." 

"Nonsense, darling."

I swayed with her, her warm cheek pressed against mine. I softly sang in her ear "I can't take my eyes off of you." 

We swayed until the last part of the song when I looked into her eyes and she looked into mine. I saw her pupils dilate and I brushed her cheek with my thumb, before cupping her face, and gently kissing her lips. 

A/N: AWWWWWWW you and little sherly kissed!! How sweet?! How will you react?! Tune in tomorrow! Same bat time Same bat channel!! Oh btw the song is Blower's Daughter by Damien Rice. Sorta a break up song but I thought it was cute and said was Sherlock was trying to say. Hope you all liked it. Also, if you have any fluffy scenarios between you and Sherlock feel free to suggest  in the comments. LOVE YOU ALL!!!


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