🖤 Chapter 1 🖤

69 7 3

Moving In

Hyunjin's pov:The start of college always seemed so far for me

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Hyunjin's pov:
The start of college always seemed so far for me. It seemed so dreadful and I thought I'd never get there. Then all of a sudden, it hit me like a truck...and here we are now...sitting in the parking lot of the college I'll spend at least the next four years at.

My name is Hwang Hyunjin. I'm majoring in photography and minoring in art. I have dark brown hair that's a little bit above shoulder length. Currently, I am 19 and stand at 5'10".

I breathed a deep sigh before I stepped out of my car and took a few of my bags with me to the dorm room number I'd received a few days ago. The dorms were so much farther away than I remembered from when I toured. This trip with my bags was absolutely dreadful.

When I got to my room, I noticed that my dorm-mate hadn't arrived yet. Well...that or I just didn't have a dorm-mate. I was honestly fine with the thought of having a dorm to myself. I set my bags on the bed that I had claimed as mine and I traveled back to my car to get the rest. I'd cut all contact with my parents so I didn't have anyone to help me bring my things to my room.

When I got back to my room with the rest of my luggage, I spotted a dirty blonde haired male, that seemed a little younger than me, standing in front of my bags a little confused. "Uhm...Hi?" I muttered, not exactly knowing how to start a conversation with someone who seemed so lost in thought.

He jumped before looking over at me "Oh uh, sorry. They didn't tell me I'd have a roommate." He said, speaking in a softly tone. I could hear how nervous he was. He definitely wasn't used to strangers. "Well I'm here now." I said coldly as I brushed past him lightly, setting the rest of the bags beside the bed. Now that I think of it, I probably came off as a little harsh...but it's not like I can change my action now.

"I'm uh..I'm Jisung by the way...Han Jisung.." He muttered. Han Jisung. Jisung would be my roommate for this year. After some talking, I found out some things about him. I learned that he was 18, majoring is music, and from how his height was compared to mine, I figured he was 5'7". He also told me about a study group that a few of his friends in his fraternity were having and he invited me to join them. I was never really interested in fraternities. I always just thought the idea of having to hang out with a bunch of dudes that I don't know was just kind of weird.

He told me some of the classes that he was supposed to take and which professors he had and we found out we'd be sharing a few classes. That's why he invited me to the study group. I agreed to join them, surprisingly. Really, I have no clue why I did.

Eventually, Jisung left to go see his friend that was unpacking and I was left alone in the dorm. I unpacked and then sat on my phone for a few hours before it was lunch. I decided to go downstairs to eat so I wouldn't have to drive somewhere. The food was pretty decent I guess.

While I was eating, I felt a pressure on my shoulder so I turned to look who it was. It was my childhood friend, Minho. He is currently 20, 5'8", and has short black hair. We talked a little before we came today and he told me that he'd decided to major in dance. It was his second year at this college. That's mostly why I decided to come here. I could be with my best friend.

I smiled at him softly, gesturing for him to sit with me. "So, you got a roommate yet?" I asked him as he sat down. "Nah. Either mine just didn't show up or he's late." "Lucky. Mine just talks a lot. He's super nervous and jittery. He's in some fraternity here and invited me to some study group they're having." "Study group? Can I come? Maybe I can teach you first years a few things." Minho said, shaking my arm gently. I sighed, shaking my head. "I'll ask Jisung."

After I ate and caught up with Minho, I went back to my dorm. It was surprisingly quiet so I guessed my roommate was still out helping his friend. Since he was gone, I went ahead and washed up because I knew I wouldn't be going anywhere else today. As I waited, I played on my phone more, texting Minho back and forth occasionally.

Eventually my roommate came back. It was dark by the time he got here but at least he was back I guess. He went and washed up, not saying a word to me. When he came out of the bathroom, I asked him if a friend could join me at the study group. I got choked up for some reason, maybe it was because me and him hadn't gotten along that well since we met. I try not to linger on the topic too long. "A friend? Sure, uh what yea-" I cut him off before he could finish his sentence. "He's a second year. I figured he could teach the first years something." "Sure. The more the merrier, I suppose" The way he spoke got on my nerves. What the hell. "the more the merrier", oh please.

"We're going Sunday" He said, speaking nervously again. I think he could sense my irritation. "So tomorrow" I said coldly. "uh..yes" He muttered. "Just send me the details...I need to text my friend about it" I said, holding my hand out for him to give me his phone.

He hesitantly handed it over with his texts opened. I typed in my number and saved my contact to his phone before handing his phone back to him. He rolled his eyes. I could tell he didn't like me just as much as I didn't like him. There's no way we'd last in this tiny dorm for a year.

Eventually, after we'd been lying down for a bit, he sent me the information.
(this is texts now💀)
(left is Jisung, right is Hyunjin)


It's at 11:00am. Bring a
snack just in case you get
hungry. And bring the a
schedule of your classes.

Alright, Thanks.

We're literally next to each
other. Just tell me that🙄

(now Minho and Hyunjin texts)
(Minho is left, Hyunjin is right)


He said it's at 11am, bring
a snack, and your schedule.

Alright, thanks dumbass

I shook my head and turned off my phone, putting it on the charger before I turned over to face the wall. Today had been a long day for me. I just hope this all goes smoothly.

To be continued...❤️
Hi children❤️ I apologize if this isn't accurate or anything like you've heard before but me and Lulu are in highschool still and we're just using things from college experiences we've heard and seen. We love you guys and we promise to give you more soon enough. We hope you enjoyed this chapter❤️
-Love Muchii🦈

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