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'Don't worry Jess we will always be there..You can just call us..'Andi said. Tears fell out of my eyes..I was very happy in this school,this life but my dad had to change it all..I had to move out of the city in which I had made big dreams but maybe just hoping wouldn't work... Sometimes i guess we have to change don't we?? Well maybe this was it..Bye to all my friends and the people I knew around here in HighStreet...

After saying goodbyes to everyone tho a bye was not a word to fit into this neverending vacations...

'Jess!!Pack ur stuff quickly we would be late!!'Jessica's mum,Hannah Clark shouted..She was already very busy in packing things of my two baby brothers Alex and Austin.They were twins but we can easily tell as Alex had a mole on his chin.. Aaron,my big brother was already outside with dad setting up all the luggage, our furniture was already on its way to our new "house". My lil sis Janet was finding her doll's shoe,'Jane here's the shoe Go sit in the car..' Jessica told her..
The Clarks were well to do not millionaires tho lol but they were enough to manage the whole family..

Hannah locked the doors and checked if everyone was there. Well hard to manage a big family yk...Alex and Austin with Jessica and Jane...They all settled in the car it was a white was a 7 seater big enough for all of them..

Well it's time to leave..

'Bye poole..I hope we come again soon!!'

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