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Gillingham is not that far from Poole it just took us 3 hours to reach..'Ok kids let's go and see ur rooms!!' Jason, the father of the house...
We all checked the whole house then we found another room with just stairs it was not that big just a ladder going up in the attic..Dad told us to not go there..That place has to be cleaned first.He had already seen the whole house.But he was very excited..

'Jess this is gonna be my room!!Find another one..won't you!!?' Aaron shouted.'No!! I'll have this one only..It has a bathroom connected.Im a girl!!' 'Dont u dare use that I came here first..And this will be mine!' 'Over my dead body Aaron!' 'Oh so this is life or death.. Fight me then!' KIDS!! I don't want any of u to fight for rooms..Come downstairs dad had brought some Chinese food from the restaurant and then we can decide'Hannah said..

After dinner Me and Aaron had a rock paper scissors match..And he won:/ Well but I got a much better room.. There was a room near the attics ladder it was totally better than the room I was fighting over..
She was sad about leaving Poole..Her friends facetimed her a few minutes earlier..
'kids..Bed time!!'

We all went to our bedrooms..They were messy but maybe we can fix and clean them.
Ps. Tomorrow I have to go to my "new school"

'What the hell? Where are this Whispers coming from? Is Jane awake.The tim-time is 3 AM!? Why did I wake up?? It must have been a bad dream...

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 23 ⏰

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