Nuisances in Nursing Class

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Monday morning: 8:45 AM-

Monday mornings were always the most boring days at the busiest Community College in Seattle, Washington.

All the first day ever consisted of was lectures, pretending to care, and zoning out, acting as if you're not supposed to be paying attention in class.

However, today was different. It was the very first day of not only the semester, but the academic school year. This didn't make things any less of a snooze fest, though...

Within the four walls of that nursing class sat two relatively young adult women who were polar opposites of one another.

First was Abigail Anderson. She was the 22 year old Captain of the Wrestling Team throughout high school. She was also the daughter of the most successful Nursing Professor on campus, Jerry Anderson.

She was a kindhearted girl, but someone that the average person could be easily scared of. She could send anyone flying on their ass with one single swing of her fist.

Despite this, she was naturally quiet, so long as other students stayed on her good side with no repercussions. There was one student in particular that she couldn't stand out of everyone else...

Ellie Williams.

Speak of the devil, then there was 21 year old Ellie Williams. Ellie was rather notorious for having absolutely no filter. She was the daughter of arguably the most successful Law Professor on campus, Anna Williams.

Everyone looked down upon Anna for her success as both a nurse and her aspiration to eventually become a lawyer. Unfortunately, this same thing was a major problem for Ellie as well. She suffered the same unsolicited torment.

She was known around her local high school for being the talk of the hallways every single day. Ellie was majorly talented within the music and artistry realms. Yet, she chose to follow in her mother's footsteps instead...

Together, instead of becoming unlikely friends due to their obvious similarities, they couldn't stand each other.

Throughout all four years of high school, Ellie and Abby verbally tormented each other to no end. Since either of them paid much attention to their parents, the verbal word vomit carried on into college. As immature as this was, both of them didn't care enough to give a flying fuck.

As Abby made her way towards her seat of choice, her eyes scanned around the room to scope out her surroundings.

She took notice of her father sitting behind his desk, reading over the yearly syllabus for the thousandth time.

Amongst the room filled with aspiring Nursing students who would rather be anywhere but here, Abby's eyes grew wide.

There she was...

Ellie Williams.

"Are you fucking kidding me?" Abby mumbled, her happy mood quickly crumbling the moment she realized who else was in this class with her.

Ellie was paying no mind to who else was in this class. She was too busy doodling away in her journal and blasting Chase Atlantic through her earphones.

As soon as she saw who the Professor was for this course, Ellie knew she would be sharing a class with Abby, much to her dismay.

Although, she paid no mind to these unfortunate circumstances and didn't give it a moment of her time. After all, arguing with Abby was like talking to a wall.

These weren't even the only odd occurrences keep them from burying the hatchet. No matter what, they just couldn't get along. If it wasn't one thing, it was another...

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