Love is in the air.

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As we were about to go in Juliet's house, she pressed the doorbell. "Is there someone with you?" I asked as I felt jealous by the thought of her living with someone else.

"Yeah I guess." she answered with a smile on her face. She then unlocked the door to her house and we were greeted by a cute golden retriever. "Maddie, say hi to this cute fella that I live with." Juliet commanded.

"Hi doggie! What a good boy.. or girl?" I asked, kneeling down to the dog and playing with its fur.

"He's a boy." Juliet said with a smile.

"So cute! What's his name?" I questioned.

"Dexter." She said proudly while I stand up.

"So Dexter is the one living with you?" I giggled.

"Yes, it's just me and Dexter." she assured me.

Dexter then ran to the living area while me and Juliet followed him inside the house. As Dexter played around the house while Juliet chased him, I couldn't help but look around. Her house is so clean even with Dexter inside. From what I've heard, dogs can be pretty messy. So I'm pretty surprised that her golden retriever isn't making much of a mess. Everything's organized and she even had a whole room full of books, like a library of some sort. Then I reached her bedroom and I immediately laid my eyes on her king sized bed. It is so neatly done as well as its surroundings. There was no mess anywhere compared to my room that looks like a jungle.

As I continued looking around, I felt a hand that touched my shoulder. I looked back to see Juliet standing behind me. "Looking around, I see." she smirked, removing her hand from my shoulder.

"Oh yeah, sorry." I apologized as I looked at her pretty eyes.

"No worries. Mi casa, su casa." she replied, impressed with what she said in Spanish which means 'my home, your home'.

"Your house is pretty neat, huh?" I commented.

"Yeah but the real mess is in the guest room since I made it Dexter's room." she laughed.

"Oh, well I'm fine on the couch." I giggled.

"Absolutely not. You can sleep with me, my bed is big anyway. As long as you keep your hands to yourself." Juliet looked at me with a playful smirk.

"How about you tell that to yourself?" I laughed as Juliet rolled her eyes at me.

"Whatever," she scoffed. "I'll make you some food. Is spaghetti okay?" Juliet asked.

"Sure, and in case you're wondering, I'm not allergic to anything." I answered.

"Alright then. You can sit on the couch and watch tv, play with Dexter, or stay in my room." she suggested.

"Can I stay here? I promise I'll just lay down or read a book." I assured her.

"No problem. By the way, Dexter sneaks in here sometimes so feel free to lock the door if you don't want anyone disturbing you. I'll just knock when it's ready." she said with a smile.

"Yeah sure." I nod in agreement.

~ 𝟏𝟖+ ~

As Juliet left the room, I immediately put my phone aside and let my body rest on her bed. Juliet's room smells so nice and her blanket smells like her perfume. She makes me feel things for some reason. I've never been so in love with someone before.

I looked at the small table beside her bed only to see a picture of her in a bikini. I grabbed the picture frame and observed her. She was wearing a purple bikini which showed that her favorite color is purple, also because her room is filled with purple things. Although, it showed her beautiful body too. Her breast, her waist, her long legs... oh my god. I'm so fucking horny.

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