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Narrator's POV:

Tiber Saxon, the successor to his late brother, Gar Saxon, played back the recording of Clan Wren's demise. His twisted smile grew wider and wider with each replay. An entire threat to the Empire was wiped out, all thanks to his genius. He forced his right-hand man, the captain of the Imperial Mandalorians, to be his witness. He wanted to make an example of those who opposed his rule. Saxon's demeanor suddenly shifted, however, as he saw an incoming transmission. It was from Grand Admiral Thrawn himself, who supervised the governor on the strategic side of this civil war. Saxon picked up the transmission, standing firm in front of the notorious officer. "Governor Saxon, I expect an update on the weapon's progress," Thrawn stated. "Indeed, sir. In this recording, you will see the first test trial of the weapon used against Clan Wren," Saxon said. The Grand Admiral turned his attention to the recording, which Saxon replayed once again. Clan Wren and the Empire re-engaged in battle. Many warriors against a squad of troopers, a couple transports, and a specialized walker. The walker charged up its weapon, emitting a current of electricity. The bolts seeked towards the Mandalorians, who froze in place and screamed in pain. Their bodies started glowing orange and black, until they disappeared, leaving only their burned armor behind. "As you can see, the Arc Generator's energy pulse is drawn to the beskar alloy in the Mandalorians' armor, superheating it, and vaporizing the target..." Saxon began. The recording shifted to the stormtrooper squad walking through the clouds of smoke, directly over where their enemies' bodies once stood. "...all the while doing no harm to our Imperial stormtroopers. The weapon is fully operational, as promised, Grand Admiral," Saxon said, finishing his explanation.

"Effective, yes, but you miss the true artistry of this weapon, Governor Saxon. It turns an armor legendary for its strength into a crippling weakness, and it strikes at the very heart of your people's tradition," Thrawn countered, vividly disappointed by the governor's method of dealing with the Mandalorian resistance. "You said the Emperor wanted this uprising dealt with quickly. This will end it," Saxon promised, doubling down on his commitment to quelling his rivals' actions. "You're different from your brother. How would Gar Saxon feel about you betraying your heritage?" Thrawn pressed. He knew virtually any people's culture like the back of his hand. Seeing this unfaithfulness made his dismay for the governor grow. "He no longer feels anything. I have evolved. Mandalore must evolve with me," Saxon answered, asserting his power over his people. "Once your people see their sense of security turned against them, do you believe they'll swear loyalty to the Empire?" Thrawn interrogated. The Empire was seen by many as a tyranny, and one of their ways of submitting its population was the illusion of peace. "A Mandalorian without armor is nothing more than a common soldier. Fear will compel them to join the Empire," Saxon responded. Thrawn pursed his lips, internally enraged at the governor's delusions. Even without donning the famed beskar armor, a Mandalorian was still a weapon to be feared. "We shall see," Thrawn said. "Of course, the weapon's range is far more limited than you promised. Or perhaps you thought I wouldn't notice?" "I only had pieces of the prototype. I've done everything I could," Saxon replied, frustrated at the lack of data he recovered while rebuilding the weapon. "You cannot make it work properly because you do not understand it. You need the weapon's creator. You need Sabine Wren," Thrawn commanded before ending the transmission. "Governor, I mean no disrespect, but what will stop the Empire from using the weapon on us as well?" the captain questioned. "Unquestioning loyalty, Captain. Now, find Sabine Wren," Saxon ordered. The Captain felt uneasy, knowing that the Arc Generator did not care for loyalty or sides. The Governor felt confident, knowing that Clan Wren's presumptive sole survivor would help the Empire conquer Mandalore. And the Grand Admiral felt determined to finish his task, making his final preparations before he lured Y/N L/N to his doom.

Y/N's POV:

I couldn't bring myself to words. All I could do was look around me. The distraught expressions of my friends, the ominous shadows cast by the smoke, and the ghosts of Clan Wren in their final resting place. Sabine was inconsolable to the point where her cries became inaudible. She picked up a piece of armor, which instantly faded away, causing her to shed more tears. Bo-Katan and I approached the hysteric Sabine, wondering how we would recover from this devastating sight. "There were rumors the Empire was working on a weapon to neutralize Mandalorian armor. That it had even been tested on our people. But I...I didn't believe it," Bo-Katan said, breaking the silence. "Not the Empire. Me. This is all my fault," Sabine replied angrily. "Sabine, you can't blame yourself for this," I objected, knowing that she didn't press the kill switch. "You tried everything to-" "Everything my father said was true, Y/N. This is my work!" Sabine yelled back. "I created the weapon that did this. Because of me, Mandalorians are going to die! Because of me, the Empire is going to turn my world into a graveyard! My family is gone! My mother and brother are-" "Sabine!" a voice called out, breaking off Sabine's vent. All of us turned towards the smoking, upended transport. A few figures emerged from the smoke. Against all odds, a few of Clan Wren's warriors had survived the encounter with the weapon. Sabine ran straight to her family, embracing them. Upon a closer look, I saw Ursa, Tristan, and the pilot from earlier trudging towards us. "I thought I lost you," I heard Sabine say, relieved that her blood family was still alive. "We were caught at the edge of the weapon's range. Thanks to your warning, we made it out," Ursa responded. "The others weren't so lucky," Tristan stated. "We're Mandalorians. We don't die that easy," the pilot chimed in. Chopper started beeping frantically, interrupting the sentimental moment. "Chopper just scanned something," Kanan alerted. "Survivors?" Alrich wondered. Rau scanned the fast-approaching objects in the air. "No. The Empire is coming back to finish the job," he said. All of us armed ourselves, looking at the incoming army in concern.

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