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Back at brozone's pod the brothers were getting ready to sneak out an meet Doreen at Mystic Meadows, they set up dummies in their beds so if Grandma Rosiepuff walked in she would think they are all sleeping, then snuck out.

At Mystic Meadows

The brothers made it and saw Floyd standing there with Doreen

"FLOYD!!" The brothers shouted in sync

"John!! Spruce!! Clay!! Branch!!" Floyd shouted back at them

Floyd was about to run to them and give them a hug but Doreen stopped him pulling him back

"Let him go Doreen" Clay said glaring at her

"No I said you could see him" Doreen said holding onto Floyd

The brothers looked at Floyd seeing that he was scared

"C'mon Doreen let us give a hug?" John asked

"Pwease" Branch said looking at her

"Fine" Doreen said letting Floyd go to hug his brothers

"FloFlo!!" Branch said jumping into him with a tight hug

Then Spruce joined the hug then Clay and John Joined

"Alright, time's up" Doreen said the hug began to break "We need to begin to head back"

"What?" Floyd said looking at Doreen then at his brothers

Doreen grabbed Floyd's arm and began to leave but Clay and Spruce got in the way

"No way your not leaving with Floyd" Clay said

"Oh ya, wanna bet" Doreen said holding onto Floyd

"Ya I do" Clay sassed back at her

"You didn't think we would come without a plan did you. Please" John said smirking

"Oh ya did you plan on me having a plan" Doreen said smirking back

"Wait what?" Spruce said

"I kinda figured you would try to get Floyd back so I made my own plan" Doreen said

"What are you doing?" Clay asked

Doreen grabbed a remote out of her pocket she pushed one of the buttons and it ejected the ground under her and Floyd

"See you later" Doreen said as she jumped on a critter and flew away

"How?" Spruce looked confused

"Flo" Branch saw the critter fly away from them

"What are we going to do now?" Spruce said looking at John

"We need to go back to the pod before grandma realizes we are gone" John said

Brozone got back to the pod sneaking into the pod after they all go inside the light turns on, the brothers turned around quickly and saw their grandma

"Where did you boys go!?" Grandma Rosiepuff said angry

None of the brothers responded but Branch jumped out of John's hands and ran over to her crying, Grandma Rosiepuff saw him crying

"Branch what's wrong?" Grandma Rosiepuff said picking him up

"Flo😭" Branch said crying

"What happened to Floyd?!" Grandma Rosiepuff asked with concern looking at John, Spruce, and Clay "What is going on?"

"Welllll you see you remember Doreen and when she asked John to go on a date then, she came over and told John he had one more chance and John said that his answer was the same" Spruce said

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