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[The starts off with Caitlin watching the sun rise as her arms are on the railing, her head resting on top of it. Her hair flew with the wind before she got up and patted Hedwig, in her other hand was a letter from Harry. There was a knock on the door before it opened and then came Natasha,]

Natasha: "Still not ready?" [Caitlin shook her head before Natasha put an arm around her shoulder,] "What's wrong?"

Caitlin: "I'm scared,"

Natasha: "Scared of what?" [Caitlin showed her the power-dampening bracelet. Natasha nodded,] "You'll be fine, Tony will just keep sending you a bunch of power banks and a few extra bracelets in case this one breaks," [She tapped on Caitlin's bracelet. Caitlin smiled at her] "Come on,"

[The scene cuts to the trunk of the car getting slapped closed by none other than Steve. Caitlin smiles when Tony approaches her and puts an arm around her shoulder]

Tony: "Do you haaave to go?" [Caitlin gave Tony a look making him sigh] "Fine," [The team laughed at him,] "Isn't Marietta coming with you?"

Caitlin: "No, she's making her way down to Hogwarts separately." [Tony nodded before Caitlin got to the back of the car, she rolled down the windows as Tony leaned on it.]

Tony: "Still worried about you,"

Caitlin: "I know, you don't have to. I'll send you an owl as soon as I get to Hogwarts. I promise."

Tony: "I love you,"

Caitlin: "I love you more, Dad." [Caitlin waved at the team as the car started to drive off. She rolled up the window before looking at the reflection of herself.]

[The scene cuts to Caitlin in all kinds of places, expensive shops, in the airports, she was sat in the first class seats in the planes. Her bracelet was charging from the power bank as she drummed her other hand on the handle.]

[The scene cuts to Caitlin getting out of the back of the car as the driver gets Caitlin's things out of her trunk. They stopped in front of the Leaky Cauldron. Just then Tom came out,]

Tom: "Ms Potter, at last." [Caitlin smiled at the driver who bowed before getting back into the car and driving off. Caitlin looked up at the sign before going inside. The scene cuts to Tom showing Caitlin her new room.] "This is your room, Ms Potter." [He then gestured to the book on] "These are your new school books. The liberty brought them down for you." [Caitlin nodded as he walked out the door.] "I'll leave you to it, Ms Potter." [He closed the door making Caitlin stand in the middle of her room, confused.]

[The scene cuts to her walking out of her room. It was morning as she looked down the hallway. She closed the door behind her and went to take a step when a rat and cat scurried past. She furrowed her eyebrows before widening them and walking down the stairs while hearing three voices]

Ron: "I'm warning you, Hermoine. Keep that bloody beast away from Scabbers,-" [Caitlin smiled as she slowly walked down the stairs,] "-or I'll turn it into a tea cosy-"

Harry: "Guys, come on-"

Hermoine: "It's a cat, Ronald. What do you expect?-" [Caitlin turned the corner and smiled at the trio,] "It's a cat. It's his nature."

𝙒𝙏𝙈 | 𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐊𝐢𝐥𝐥𝐞𝐫 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐅𝐫𝐨𝐬𝐭 | Theodore NottWhere stories live. Discover now