3. 𝑻𝒉𝒆 𝑫𝒆𝒄𝒊𝒔𝒊𝒐𝒏

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Rivaansh's POV

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Rivaansh's POV

Her question wasn't surprising to me. I knew it would come soon as it was expected. I observed her face for some time before answering her question

"Why not you ?"


" Out of 3 billion women why not you ? You are the one who knows my family the best ,everyone likes you here. You are the best according to them. So why not you when you seem the most ideal ?"

She looked at me with a look of disbelief

"So you are just going to marry for your family ? Not because you want me to marry you ?You want me to spend a life with someone who is just marrying me for the sake of his families? "

"That's not what I me-"

" Oh is it not ,then why are you marrying me ? Tell me ?"

"Don't put words in my mouth Vedanshi. You know clearly I didn't mean anything of the words you just said. I want the best for you. I am not sure if you want this marriage or not and I don't even want to force you for that. I just want you to be happy with whoever you want to spend your life. For the sake of the past times I want you to be happy "

She chose the moment to scoff at my words

"Past times ? What past Mr. Sisodia ? The one where you left us or when you didn't even acknowledge me ? That past ?"

Her words didn't hurt me would be a big lie. Of course I was hurt. How could she say that about our past. Was I that bad to her ? Well again then it was me who had distanced from her clearly. She had the full rights to accuse me.

"And also you want to get married for love. Don't you?"

"It's not necessary to always marry for love in the beginning. It is not a stupid thing that you can feel in just a few days. No! It takes a lot time for to love someone."

"How sure you are you would fall in love with me ? Can you guarantee the fact that you will ? Why should I marry you ?"

" You can clearly say no to Maasa outside if you don't want it ,she won't object it . And about love I can't guarantee it. I am not made for love. I can't promise the same but I would definitely play the role of the husband, give you the respect you deserve and everything. "

"Then what about Krisha. You said you weren't made for love then what about her ? Wasn't it just a few years back you were in so love with her that you didn't even look at others except her ? Tell me"

That one name was enough for me to lose it. That one name was enough to make me lose myself. That one name was enough to make myself kill myself. That one name was enough to take me to those memories.

"Huh! You seem to forget every day who are you. I am just using you as bait to remind you of your own place"

The words came to me such that they wouldn't let me live. I wanted to cut off my ears to stop listening to them. For years I slept with headphones to prevent those noises. But how long I have to keep running from myself from them?

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 29 ⏰

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