Spider-man truly no more

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This is my way of Spider-man quitting being a superhero. This takes place in 616 comics, and I do hope that one day Spidey will retire, but for now in the current version this is how I'd do it. 

Peter is walking through the city, he sees a bad guy. He suits up and stops him. He sees another, this time suits up in a the black suit. Sees another, this time in hi sinister six suit. Again, he sees another, this time in his superior suit. And so on. 

He wakes up to an email. He was still wondering what the dream was about. He looks at the email. "Dear Mr Parker we are pleased to inform you that you've been one of the candidates for a teaching position at MIT, reply back if you're interested". Peter was shocked. He didn't think that MIT would try to headhunt him. But that means that he'd have to move. 

(Next day)

Peter went to visit his aunt and asked what she thought.

Aunt May: "I think it's a wonderful opportunity." 

Peter: "Yeah but, what about everything here, you, my job at oscorp, and this says I'm one of the candidates, not that I'm in if I want it."

Aunt May: "Peter, this could be good for you, you haven't been very happy for a while, maybe it would make you happy."

Peter thought for a bit, taking into consideration what May said. He talks with her some more and then leaves. 

He texts Miles to meet up with him. Peter puts on his suit and web swings to their usual meeting spot. Peter swings through the city, the city he's lived in all his life. He's protected this city so many times that no one could keep track. He see's miles and lands on the building they meet at. 

Miles: "Hey man, what's the emergency?"

Peter: "What? I never said there was an emergency."

Miles: "Well you texted me to meet you here so I figured that there was something going on."

Peter: "This is something more personal."

Miles: "What is it?"

Peter: "I was headhunted by MIT, I'm one of the candidates for a teach position. I wanted to get your feedback."

Miles: "Well, I don't know, this isn't something you should ask me about, it's something you need to figure out."

Peter: "I know, I know, I'm just going around first, seeing what people think."

Miles: "I get it, but in the end it's up to you."

Peter: "Thanks, anyway I have to go ask a few more people."

Miles: "Alright, see ya."

They both swing away in opposite directions.  

Peter texts Felicia Hardy, to meet him on the Empire State building. He swings there and she's there before him.

Peter: "How'd you get here so fast?"

Felicia: "I've got me tricks, now what is you want Spider, wanna chase me around?"

Peter: "No Felicia nothing like that, I actually wanted to ask you something on a personal matter."

Felicia: "Sure what is it?"

Peter: "I have a shot of getting to teach at MIT, but I don't know what I should do?"

Felicia: "Simple, don't take the job, you're Spider-man, you have a city that needs you." 

Peter: "Okay..."

Felicia: "What is it Pete?"

Peter: "Nothing, I'm just thinking about what you said."

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