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(Part three of "A Little Different", the titans curse, Percy Jackson and the olympians. If you haven't read the first or second book yet plss go read them)

(Hope you guys enjoy! xxx)

"GET UP" Clarisse yelled and groaned trying to get ciara out of bed. Hitting her with a pillow and tugging on her shirt. So far ciara hasn't had a good start to school this year, she was thankful it was almost christmas holidays. Though hee week hasn't been going so well.

On monday, she got kicked in the face with a dodgeball in P.E, on tuesday, she fell down the stairs in front of everyone. Wednesday wasn't any better, in maths she got her period and it leaked, everyone whispered and laughed and the boys made jokes. It was so embarrassing, and then yesterday, the "popular girls" made fun of her in front literally the whole grade!

"Ciara Diana Showalter-Holloway! I will drag you out of this house if I have to" Clarisse said, Ciara got a bit of a shock that Clarisse remembered her full name. Also a bit scary how she yelled it. "Come on! you have the field trip, then you just have tomorrow and then we have Christmas holiday!" Clarisse insisted.

Ciara groaned, she felt sad that Clarisse wasn't going to school with her anymore. As Clarisse got a small quest from Chiron to find the Labyrinth and map it out. As he got news about it or something he didn't give much detail but apparently stuff been happening here in Arizona, so he got Clarisse for the past month to try and find an entrance to it.

Ciara finally got up, she got dressed into a lazy outfit that she just picked up from the floor. One thing about Clarisse and Ciara sharing rooms, it wasn't like you thought. You'd think Clarisse has the messy side that she never cleans, and Ciara is a clean freak who always has her stuff organised. Wrong.

On Clarisses side of the room it was all tidy and organised, Ciaras side, the floor was covered in clothes and books. And other small things that Clarisse was always on her about.

Ciara just put on black sweatpants, a simple dark green knit button up sweater with a white shirt underneath. She went to the bathroom beginning to brush her hair and tying it up in a plat.

She looked at her reflection in the mirror, thinking about what the girls at school said. Her dark circles under her eyes, her freckles and other things they said. She sighed and walked out of the bathroom and grabbed her bag.

Clarisses mom was super nice, but also kind of strict but in a fun way. If that makes sense, Clarisse and Ciara went to the kitchen to get food. "Morning girls" Ms. La rue smiled.

"Oh, nice. You made omelettes?" Clarisse smiled, "yeah. Help yourselves, the ingredients are on the bench" her mom replied as she ate some of the strawberries on the side.

Clarisse opened the egg carton, rolling her eyes. "There's no eggs... I can't make an omlette without eggs" Clarisse said, Ciara chuckled. She reached up into the cabinet grabbing a bowl and the cereal.

"Yeah, can't argue with that" Madeline said as she poured orange juice into her cup. Clarisse rolled her eyes, and picking up a strip of tomato skin. "I'll just... suck on this fry tomato skin I guess" she replied to her mom.

"Already did" madeleine said with a smile. Ciara enjoyed Clarisse and her mom's banter, it was funny and nice.

Ciara got to school, and met up with her friend Dylan. Dylan was her only friend so far, besides Clarisse. But Clarisse sort of hung out with her own group at school. Dylan was nonbinary, they were wearing a black sleeveless crop top with ripped jeans. A gummy bear necklace and a white pearl nekclace, and also a white bead necklace with small pearl earrings. They also wore a light pink Durag.

Ciara and Dylan were talking at the school gates. Dylan was telling Ciara about their recent hookup with some dude from a private school talking about how hot he was. A girl, Aria then shoved past them.

"Guys! Spencer spoke to me!" She said giggling and jumping with her friend group.

"Awh! Spencer spoke to me- pick me bitch, also rude!" Dylan shouted out to the girl, aria giving them a dirty look. "Don't be mean... maybe she didn't see us" Ciara said. Dylan rolling their eyes and put a hand on her shoulder as they began walking into the main building.

"Ugh please, we are gorgeous, exquisite and beautiful. We're jellyfish.. they saw us" Dylan said, Dylan was always confident in themselves, and didn't care what people thought of them.

"I think we have to go to the back area to get to the field trip.... Wait, or are we supposed to go to home room and get marked off first?" Ciara said, Dylan shrugged.

"Why don't we just skip" they groaned, they didnt want to go on the field trip. They thought it was boring. Ciara didn't want to go either, but she didn't want to skip school she didn't want to get in trouble.

They went to the back of the school where their teacher waited. As they got on the bus, Ciara couldn't stop thinking about Clarisse, she wasn't sure why. But whatever she thought about her mind always somehow drifted back to Clarisse.

"Ciara!" Dylan said snapping their fingers in her face, she looked at them. "Sorry... I was thinking about Clarisse" she said softly having a sip of her bottle of water.

Dylan gave her a smirk with a look. "What?" Ciara said, Dylan shook their head.

"Nothing, don't worry about it" they said. But they had a look that said something like, 'I know'. Ciara couldn't really explain it, but that's the look Dylan gave her when she told them gossip and they already knew it.

Ciara shrugged and looked out the window as they left Arizona. The museum they were going to was just a space museum thing in Washington D.C. it was going to be so boring.

(Sorry this was a short chapter it was kind of rushed. Also I know Arizona to Washington DC is like 30 hours or so but shhhh)

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