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Hey, so my name is Noël Brave. I live with my parents and no siblings, I was a handful. My parents, well they're special. My dad owns a multi-million dollar company. And my mom's a manger, a surfing manager to be exact. My parents fly all over the world, sometimes they bring me sometimes they don't, managing my dads resorts and my moms surfers. So I just sit at home and wait for them to come home and tell me we're gonna move a again. We move so much I never got attached anywhere, I couldn't or else I would be disappointed after a few months when my parents decided to give me some "big news." Why couldn't they just be normal parents and forget to use a condom one night and pop a bun in the oven, I mean I would be happier with that news sometimes so that I knew we would be staying for a while. But that doesn't happen with my parents, I just hear them moaning at 1 o'clock in the morning despite my efforts to be as far away as possible.

Every once in a while my parents decide to stay a little over a few months, normally because they're still trying to find a dream home that we'll sell in a few weeks, but this time it was different. We moved the summer before grade 9 my parents said that we would most likely stay until first semester was over, but I ended up really enjoying the school (and I got good grades) so my parents said we would stay until the end of the year. But I made a friend, my first friend in a long time Brenna Franklin, and my parents promised me that we would stay until high school was over. So in grade 10 Brenna and I tried out for cheerleading, we both made it. And then when I thought things couldn't get any better Matt Andrews asked me to the winter formal. Not only was I staying in Beverly Hills for a while, and on the cheer squad but I was dating the captain of the football team. I'm now in grade 11 and Brenna and I are co-captains of the cheer squad. So everything was going great; boyfriend, captain of the cheer squad, best friend, most popular girl in school, future homecoming queen, and I've been in BH for 2 and a half years now. But it was all to good to be true, because before I knew it I was saying goodbye to my life, best friend, boyfriend, and captaincy and being moved to Hawaii.

Great so when I said I wish my mom was a slut before, this would be the perfect time. Not only was I really happy in BH but I also felt like that was home. For the time being I'm just gonna have to suck it up until August, when my parents give me my trust fun and I can legally live on my own, by September I'll have my team, boyfriend and life back. I only have to suffer for 6 months, I can do it. Can't I?

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