Chapter 23 : Fire Drill

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Chapter 23

The next day...

Riker POV

I was gripping my pencil so hard that my knuckles were white. And I could feel myself starting to shake. I don't know how to do any of this!

My math teacher said if we show our work but get the question wrong, he could still possibly give us half credit for it.

I wasn't sure what I was doing. Some of the stuff on the test seemed vaguely familiar. But I wasn't 100% sure on anything.

I was trying to show as much of my work as possible, but I don't know if my thought process is right.

I could feel my face getting hot and I was starting to sweat. My chest was getting tight and I was just trying to stay calm. I can't have a panic attack right now. Not in front of everyone. And I can't even ask my teacher to go to the bathroom to escape because I can't talk.

I just tried to distract myself with my math test and try to get through all of the questions so that I have time to go back and check my work.

All of a sudden the fire alarms started going off. I forgot there were fire drills.

But the loud noise threw me over the edge. I covered my ears and shut my eyes. It's all too much.

I felt tears going down my cheeks even though my eyes were closed. And then I felt someone touch my shoulder and I flinched.

"Riker, come on. We need to go outside. What's wrong?"

My teacher was standing next to me. How am I supposed to explain to him that I was having a panic attack?

He took my arm and I stood up. But I kept my hands over my ears until we were outside and it was quieter.

Everyone was lined up in the football field. And I felt like everyone was staring at me and judging me.

My teacher led me behind everyone.

"Why don't you sit down for a few minutes, Riker."

I sat down in the grass and covered my face with my hands. My teacher sat down next to me.

"Riker, can you tell me what's wrong? Is it the fire drill?"

I shook my head.

"Is it the math test?"

I shook my head no again and put my hands on my chest because it feels like it's getting really hard to breathe now.

"Are you having a panic attack?"

I nodded.

"Ok. Are there any kids with the foster family you're staying with?"

I nodded again.

"Do they go to this school?"

I nodded.

"Do you want me to go get one of them to stay with you?"

I nodded.

"Ok. Can you tell me their name?"

I don't have my phone. So I wrote Rocky's name in the air.


I nodded.

"Last name?"

I wrote Lynch.

"Rocky Lynch?"

I nodded.

"Ok. Stay right there," he said, getting up and leaving.

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