*Requested* RID2015 Bumblebee x Cybertronian reader

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Thank you FusionZgamerFanBoy for requesting this!


Bumblebee POV

I groaned as I heard (y/n) and Sideswipe start to bicker for the fifth time today.

"Your such a fragging IDIOT!!!"

"Words hurt (y/n)!"

"Well the truth hurts doesn't it!"

Then I heard Sideswipe mimick her and right after a yelp.

I got up and walked around the corner to see (y/n) attacking Sideswipe, said mech saw me and started yelling.

"Bee help! She's trying to kill me!"

"(Y/n), please calm down and stop trying to hurt Sideswipe."

She looked at me and hesitated before slowly letting the terrified mech go and turning around and walking off, only to stop when Sideswipe spoke up.

"Yea go ahead and leave like your crush said." The red mech smirked and stared at (y/n) as her faceplates turned blue.

"I hate you!" She yelled and then ran off.

Your POV

I hate him! I hate that stupid mech so much! I don't know how Strongarm can even have feelings for the sorry fragger!

I can't believe he just told Bumblebee I don't even want to think about running into the yellow mech right now.

"(Y/n)? Can I please come in?"

It was Bumblebee! Oh fragging Primus! What am I gonna do!

"S-sure you can come in."

Bumblebee walked in and sat beside me and smiled.

"Is it true?"

I went still.


"That you like me?"

I sighed, I guess it's now or never.

"No, I love you Bee I have been ever since I first joined team prime."

He looked at me and placed a servo on my cheek.

"I love you too."

Then he leaned in and kissed me. I smiled into the kiss and melted into it.

It was passionate and filled with so much love, he loved me too.


I sighed as my Sparkmate and Optimus started arguing about going off road.

Bumblebee thought it would be faster to go off road, but prime thought it was best to stay on the road.

They finally agreed and we headed off-road only for bee to get aggravated with Optimus once again after he hit a rock.

:Bee please be patient with him, he's trying.:

I spoke to him through our bond.

: I know but he needs to understand that I'm the leader of this team:

I sighed.

: whatever you say dear.:

We then got to where the signal was and transformed I looked over at Bee and frowned.

I wished he wasn't so rude to my uncle, I get that he's trying to lead his team but, he could accept some help.

I was snapped out of my thoughts when Clampdown ran out of the trees.

They all looked at him confused but I took a step towards the woods, there was something else in there.

When I heard something getting closer I took a few steps back and activated my cannons.

"What is it (y/n)?"

But before I could answer a certain medic stepped out.

"Sire!" It was Ratchet I smiled and jumped on him hugging him tightly.


I smiled happily as I showed my Sire around the junkyard.

"So, how's my little femmeling been?"

I looked up at him and stopped.

" I've been good. I have a Sparkmate now."

His optics widened and he looked at me in shock.


I smiled and giggled a little.

"It's Bumblebee."

The medic suddenly turned around and headed back to where the other bots were.

I followed him and when he got there he walked up to Bumblebee pulled a wrench out of his subspace and hit him in the helm

"You better not hurt my little femmeling or you'll have a lot more than a dented helm!"

I rolled my optics heres the overprotective sire I've known my whole life.

Bee rubbed his helm and looked at Ratchet.

" I would never hurt (y/n) I love her too much."

My Sire nodded then turned to me and walked towards the way we came.

"You coming to finish the tour or not."

There's the Sire I've always known.

I stopped before I left and turned back to Bee.

"I love you Sweetspark" then I placed a soft kiss on his dermas.

He smiled down at me, " I love you too my spark."

Then I turned and continued my sires tour.

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