Chapter 48 : Fight, I was bound to lose..

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And yet again they are back in the most sane person in our group's house as they both threw themselves in different sofas sighing at how messed up their lives are..

"What's wrong guys?" Ren asked walking inside the room.

"I just talked to Aunt Yu, Mom fired her." Thyme said as the siblings sat straight with their faces hung down.. 

"Why did she do it?" Fa mumbled trying to put a finger on it.

"What is it?" Thyme asked noticing Ren's bewildered face.

"You know your parents can do anything, she fired Aunt Yu because she knew how important Aunt Yu was to both of you." Ren's words made somewhat sense as Fa processed what he had just said finally figuring out what's happening.

"What does it mean?" Thyme asked dumbfounded.

"This is far from over.." Fa stated looking at them..

Just as they were all silent in worry Thyme's phone started buzzing receiving a call from someone...


Kavin and MJ stepped inside the room looking as pale as snow.. 

"What's wrong? Why do you look so pale?" Gorya asked standing up worried.

"A big trouble, My friend at the bank told me. Both of their Bank accounts have been frozen.." Kavin said.

**"Frozen?!! Check again!" Fa yelled desperately at the person trying figure out a way out of this..**

'In the business world, there are rumors that Fa and Thyme are about to be disowned by their parents." Kavin said as Gorya sighed holding her head in her hands pacing through the room.

"She has never played hardball this level before." MJ said referring to Mrs. Parama.

"What about you three?" Gorya asked furrowing her eyebrows. 

"We are fine, that's why we wanted to see you and..--" 

"Help!" A sudden voice came from downstairs.. " Get out of my shop!" Uncle Ga screamed as everybody hurried downstairs..

"Who are you?!!! Why are you messing my shop?!!!!" Uncle Ga shouted trying to stop the strangers.

"This is no longer your shop. " The person in the suit said pushing Uncle Ga away causing him to fall down. 

"Uncle Ga!" Gorya and Kaning ran towards him as Gorya shoved the person away from the shop while Kaning helped the Uncle Ga. 

Gorya was shoved aside by someone as Kavin and MJ had also come by then restricting the people from entering the shop. 

Kaning had received a message she didn't anticipate at least not now..

People kicked and threw flower pots here and there while everybody tried to stop them but they listened to none.

Gorya was certain all this was because of her.. Her eyes trailed to the figure of Kaning as she turned around eyes about to pop out. "Wha-t's wr-ong?" She asked not wanting to hear anymore disturbance caused by her.

"My da-d recently got fired, Just now." The word faded all Gorya was numb she was helpless... All this was happening due to her stubbornness.. 

What if she never took on fight with them?

what if she never challenged them?

what if she never befriended them?

what if she never loved him?

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