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It had been a few weeks since deputy sheriff Rick Grimes had been shot whilst out on a call. The station is quieter without him, he was a great leader to the whole station. Keeping everyone in line. As well as that he was a good friend especially to deputy sheriff Lila Harvey. Lila was working a long 12hr day shift at the station with two other officers, Leon and James. The day had barely begun but already Lila felt despondent towards how the day would go.

*ring ring*
"Hello, deputy sheriff Lila Harvey speaking"
"Hey Lila, it's me sheriff Cory. We've been receiving some disturbing calls and I wanted to warn you. We've got higher forces involved so if you get any calls I want you to pass them on to the corporal in charge, I don't want any of you leaving the station. Is that clear"
" yes sir"
*end call*

The room ran cold, a call like that was unexpected, stomach turning, anxiety filling. The three officers shared a concerned look as they sat frozen until...

*ring ring*
Lila grabbed the phone
"Sheriff li-"
*Call cuts off*

She tried calling the line back but it wouldn't go through. 5 minutes later another 20 calls had come through all almost identical.

*bang bang bang*

A guy was yelling whilst pounding on the doors of the station. The officers grabbed their guns and hurried to the door. Lila's thoughts were echoed, unable to comprehend what was happening, she felt as though she was floating. Officer James unlocked the door as fast as he could but they were too late.. by the time the door was opened a woman had hold of the guy and was.. "what the fuck!" Officer Leon yelled as they watched this woman biting the guys neck like he was a steak "is she high?".

"Hey lady! Let the guy go" all three officers held their guns at her, hesitant to shoot.
She turned to look at them, her pale blood shot eyes latched onto officer Leon . Lila blinked. By the time she'd opened her eyes he was on the floor the girl was ripping him apart. Lila's gun fired
..3 times right at the girls heart but she didn't drop.

She stood up and grabbed onto Lila's wrist, officer James grabbed her attention yelling at her to let Lila go she grabbed him and tore the flesh off his left cheek and then his neck. His screams pierced Lila's ears but she didn't let that stop her from shooting the girl in the head. She dropped like a brick to the floor.

Lila bent down to where James had fallen and checked his pulse.. she waited for something, anything but no feeling came to the tips of her fingers no rhythm or beat to indicate his heart was beating. He was dead.

Closing the door, Lila went inside locking them out and running to the phone.

Lila Harvey (the walking dead fan-fiction)Where stories live. Discover now