Hades Bound

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The story of the fall of angels from Heaven is known all over the world, The morning star also known as Lucifer fell from the heavens and took many of heavens angels with him, they descended into Hell and that was that. The end.

But was it?

Thousands of years past before more angels began to release havoc on the heavens again and turn rogue, about 6 angels were banished from the heavens that day to never be heard from again. Heavens angels say that they fell into Hell to be chained up by Lucifer. All were never heard of again, all but one. The Angel of Death

Stories of The Angel of Death or more commonly known as the Grim Reaper, are told as horror stories made to scare people. The story of a ruthless creature who visits the elderly or the weak to take their souls in the dead of the night has terrified villages for generations. The angel of Death is not only known on earth but known in the heavens and in Hell. The Angel of Death is the most feared creature on earth and in Heaven but is the most praised and favoured creature in Hades.

Present Day.

'Bring me the angel of death” Lucifer commanded one of his slaves and smirked as the slave nearly tripped over his own feet trying to get out the door. Lucifer took great pleasure in watching his slaves bow down to him and cower at the mere utter of his name but Hades was getting low on slaves as they kept dying. He needed more souls and he knew just the creature to collect them for him.

“You summoned me?” The Angel of Death appeared in front of Lucifer, his face was covered by the hood of the long black cloak he wore.

“Yes, I have a job for you” Lucifer told him and waved off his guards standing nearby. He needed privacy, for what he was about to ask was not to be heard by anyone else.

“What kind of job my lord?” The Angel of Death knelt down on one knee in front of Lucifer keeping his head bowed.

“A job only you can accomplish my boy, you see we are losing more and more slaves! They are weak and they are dying off as their sins are being paid off. I need more slaves and this time I want to release havoc in the heavens, by taking the souls of the most pure and innocent of humans! You see, if we have slaves that have not died a sinner then they will not die down here, they will be slaves for all eternity” Lucifers voice rose in excitement, he could hardly contain himself.

“I’m sorry my lord but let me be clear, you want me to bring you the souls of innocent people who are not even dying?” The Angel of Death asked still keeping his identity hidden.

“Yes, is that a problem?” Lucifer raised an eyebrow; he hoped that his most prized fallen angel had not turned soft.

“Not at all my lord, quite the opposite! I have been dying to get out there and pull some souls out of unsuspecting innocents!” He laughed and rose from his kneeling position.

“Excellent! You have 2 months to bring me the souls of 5 of the most pure of heart and innocent of mind” Lucifer told and waved his hand in front of the angel of death, which opened a portal leading to the earthly realm.

“I will not fail you my lord” The Angel of Death nodded and walked over to the swirling black portal.

“I should hope not, I will be keeping tabs on you so don’t try and cheat me or I will take your soul instead” Lucifer threatened but the angel of death wasn’t worried, this was his job and he enjoyed every moment of it.

“Do not fail me Jude!” Lucifer spoke the angel of deaths heavenly name just as the portal closed up taking the angel of death with it.

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