Hades Bound- Chapter Four.

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 “Colette! Can you get the door?” Cara screamed down the stairs at me. I was already at the door; I just hadn’t opened it yet. I knew who was on the other side and I was hoping if I pretended no one was home, he’d go away or assume he got wrong the house.

 “Colette! For god’s sake!’’ Cara sighed and ran down the stairs shoved me out of the way, swung open the door and from the look on her face she liked what she saw. It annoyed me.

 “Hi, you must be Jude! Colette has told me…well nothing about you” Cara flirted and smiled at Jude. Puke.

 “You must be Cara, the mother right?” Jude winked and I stifled a laugh as Cara’s face fell and turned red.

 “Charming. I’m the sister actually and you guys should go before Dad finds out that Colette is going camping with a boy” Cara flipped her short cut blonde hair off her face.

 Okay so I lied to dad and said I was going to Danielle’s for the weekend, I did it to protect him from having a stroke or something of the kind. If he ever found out I was hanging out with a boy let alone camping with one he’d have a heart attack.

 “Okay, let’s go” Jude grabbed my bag and I handed Cara a 20 dollar bill, as a down payment to keep her quiet about my whereabouts.

 I reluctantly left the safety of my home and headed probably to my death, with Jude. I stopped in my tracks when I saw my means of transport.

 “How the hell did you afford that? You’re 16! Wait you are sixteen right?” I looked at the shiny silver brand spanking new Jeep wrangler convertible.

 “Let’s just say I’m not your regular teenager” He smirked and opened the passenger door, I glided in and he closed the door behind me.

 “No! Really? I had no idea. Most teenagers aren’t physco but you don’t let that stop you” I retorted back through the open window my voice dripping with sarcasm.

 “I’m not a physco, I’m something else, something worse” Jude glared and my heart stopped when I looked into his eyes, they were black but only for a second before they changed back to blue. I must have imagined it because that’s preposterous! Peoples eyes can’t change from black to blue, can they?

 He ended the moment by laughing and winking at me before running around and getting behind the wheel. The sound of the engine roaring to life nearly stopped my heart I was that jumpy.

 “Ready for a weekend of marshmallows, fireflies and snuggles by a warm camp fire?” Jude teased and the Jeep lurched forward.

 “Don’t make me sick” I shot back and stared out the window.

 I stared out the window not saying anything for the whole car ride, I figured if I said nothing and just did what I came here for, then this weekend would go by quickly.

 We arrived at our ‘’designated’’ camp area just as the sun was going down. The spot was beautiful. A canopy of trees covered it and the ground was covered in thick lush grass that still had droplets of dew that sparkled in the setting sun, there were wild flowers everywhere. The only down side was there was no civilization anywhere.

 “It’s beautiful here” I stared at my surroundings in awe. Jude never said a word about it he just went about setting up my tent.

 “Where’s your tent?” I asked when he finished tent up my tent, not that I asked him to but I wasn’t complaining.

 “This is my tent” He replied not taking is eyes off his tent.

 “Then where’s mine?” I asked getting nervous where this was going.

 “This is your tent”


 “This is my tent and your tent should I spell it out for you?” He replied

 “I’m not sharing a tent with you! I’d rather sleep outside or in the car” I yelled but I will admit the chance of seeing Jude vulnerable while he slept did intrigue me.

 “Fine, do what you want but I’m sleeping in the tent and you can take your chances with the wild dogs” He smiled and looking around our campsite then back at me.

 “I heard they’re common this time of year and quite unforgiving” he finished and an unwanted shiver ran down my spine.

 “Fine but pull anything and I will scream so loud the Satan will cringe in pain” I warned but something in his eyes changed and he seemed to know something I didn’t, like some kind of inside joke.

 “Gottcha” I smiled as I caught a firefly in a old tin can that I punctured holes in the sides so the light flooded out through the little holes, creating a disco ball effect of golden light.

 I set the can down next to the others ones that held several fireflies, it was well into the night now but I wasn’t afraid, nighttime was always my favorite time. The world was asleep, making everything look beautiful and fragile without all the monsters out to destroy it.

 “What are you doing?” Jude came up behind me making me scream and drop my firefly can.

 I hadn’t realized how far I had wandered from our campsite until now, It was completed dark the fireflies being the only source of light. They lit up Jude’s face making him look beautiful yet extremely dangerous, his ice blue eyes being the only part of him visible. They were beautiful.

 “I said, what are you doing?” he moved closer and picked up one of the cans filled with fireflies, the light inside went out at his touch.

 “C-catching fireflies” I stuttered and watched as his hair fell over his eyes making him look more cute then hot.

 “Why?” He dropped the can and moved closer, standing over me.

 “Because, I like the way they light up when they fly and my mother used to call them the fairies of the modern world” I rambled and realized I had just shared one of the most personal details of my childhood with Jude.

 “Where’s your mother today? I didn’t see her at your house” Jude looked up to the fireflies that I now noticed had all gone out or flown away since he got here.

 “No” I looked down at my feet that I couldn’t see in the darkness.

 “No? No what?” He asked and moved even closer I could smell him now, he smelt like rain about to fall.

 “No, you don’t get to know details of my life, no you don’t get to ask me questions about my family” I fought back the tears that threatened to overpower me at the thought of my mother and never seeing her again.

 “I’m-“ He tried to get out but I ran off into the direction of our tent as the tears flowed down. I know I was being emotional and ridiculous but right now I didn’t want to be here, I wanted to be home with my family including my mother. I was feeling guilty about lying to my dad, he expected better and needed me to be better than this. I felt weak; I had just spoken of my mother to Jude. I hadn’t spoken of my mother since the accident to anyone and the first person I did was Jude.

 For the first time Jude wasn’t the reason for my anxiety and frustration, I was.

Hades BoundTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon