Olivia Benson X Child Stabler Reader

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Another request!

hi i was wondering if you could write one of the reader is elliots daughter that needs help and asks olivia as she is too scared to tell her dad?

I love it! Set when Elliot and Kathy are getting a divorce. Season 6

Third person pov...

Olivia Benson was enjoying a quiet Saturday night in her apartment in Manhatten, she and Elliot had finally closed their case, it had been a long one.

Lots of late nights and sleeping at the station, which caused Elliots and Kathy marriage to stretch and crack. Y/N Stabler was the youngest out of the Stabler Children.

She had been playing in her room when she heard yelling from downstairs, curious she crept out of her room, holding F/T (Favourite toy) in her arms.

Tiptoeing down the hall to thr stairs she sat down to listen to her parents. "It happend again Elliot, you weren't here when I needed you!" Yells Kathy, Elliot stands infront of his wife.

"I'm sorry Kathy, Honey Liv and i-" "-of course it's her, just shut up for a minute and let me talk!" As both Parents continue arguing little Y/N Stabler walks back to her rooms hugging F/T tightly.

Tears creep into her E/C eyes as she sniffles, she doesn't like it when her Mummy and Daddy fight. Sniffling the youngest Stabler child remembers Auntie Livs address.

"Want Liv" she cries, she grabs her backpack and begins packing a few things such as her coloring book, some snacks, F/T will stay with her.

The 8 year old grabs a jumper to put on over rher clothes, it would be a bit cool out at this time of day. Once she had everything the little girl left her room and tiptoed downstairs.

She managed to sneak into thr kichen to avoid her parents argument still happening in the living room, she began to wlak remembering the way to Livs place.

Elliot had taken his daughter to his partners apartment many times, Liv was Y/N favourite person and always wanted to be with her and round her apartment.

She hoped Olivia would be home and not busy with work. As she entered the building, her heart started to race. She didn't know how to explain her problem to Olivia, but she knew she had to try.

After reaching the top floor, Emily knocked on Olivia's door. She could hear muffled voices inside and wondered if she should just leave and come back later.

But before she could make a decision, the door swung open and there stood Olivia, with a concerned look on her face. "Y/N? Honey, what are you doing here?" She asks the little girl.

Hugging F/T tightly Y/N shakes her head. "No not okay" she begins crying loudly, which surprises the woman.

But being used to people suddenly crying Olivia picked the young girl up, she then closed the door and holding the young girl in one hand she walked to the living room and turned the volume on the TV down.

She had been watching a movie until her door went, gently shushing the crying child she rocks back and forth hoping to comfort the girl.

After a few minutes Y/N had stopped crying and was now sniffling, F/T was currently crushed between her body and Olivia who she didn't want to let go off.

Olivia continues to rub the girls back as she stopped crying, Liv was grateful for that now she could find out what happened. "You gonna tell me whats wrong N/N?" She asks the child.

The little H/C girl, is silent before mumbling something, Olivia couldn't hear her so she gently pulls the girl back so she could understand.

"What was that sweetie?" She asks the girl, Y/N sniffles "Mummy and Daddy are fighting again" she says, Olivias heart aches for the girl.

Sniffling she whipes her eyes. "I don't like when they fight, mamma says nasty words to Daddy" her voice sounds chocked up from tears filling her E/C eyes again.

"Oh no sweetie" she says, pulling the girl back to her shoudler as she began crying again. Once Y/N eventually fell asleep the brown haired woman turned the volume up on the TV.

Loud enough she could hear but not so loud that the child on her lap would wake up. "El you idiot" she mutters to herself.

After thinking for a few minutes as to what she should do, she grabs her phone from the table and taps on her idolt partners contact.

A few seconds later a worried Elliot answers. "Liv, Hi-" "-she's with me currently" she interrupts the man, she hears him sigh with relief.

"Thank god, I'm sorry sorry. We got really into it and didn't realise until now she was gone" he explains, Liv brushes a piece of stray hair away from the child's face.

"It's fine El, she's no bother." She tells the worried Dad. "Thank you Liv, I'm on my way see you soon" He tells her, Liv hangs up putting her phone back on the table she sighs.

She smiles and looks down at the head of the sleeping girl resting on her chest. "You've worried alot of people today Honey" she whsipers.

10 minutes later Livs doorbell goes for a second time that day, Liv looks away from the TVs and calls to the door. "It's open El!" She yells.

Hearing the door open she goes back to absentmindedly running her fingers through Y/Ns hair, as Elliot walked inside.

"You know it's dangerous to leave your door unlocked" he says as he walks into the room, Liv hums.

Elliot walks over to the two on the sofa, the man looked like shit. Smiling softly at his daughter he turns to Liv.

"Thank you partner, I'm so sorry but I'm glad she came to you" he tells her whispering. Liv looks at the man a smile on her face.

"Of course it's no problem, I love her like my own." She says more to herself than to Elliot.

After transferring the still sleeping girl to her Dad, Liv and Elliot stand at the door. "She heard you two fighting" she explains.

Elliot sighs and kisses, the 8 year olds head. "I wish she didn't" he mutters, the detectives say their goodbyes and Ellioy walks down to his car, a sleeping child in his arms.

The end!

Hope you like this oneshot, so sorry for the wait. As usual sorry for any spelling or grammar mistakes.

Request are open!

Word count : 1110

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