Elliot Stabler X Teen Daughter Reader

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So sorry for not updating for ages haven't had many ideas for oneshots, still appreciate all the requests I get!

This is a long one hope you like it!

Request: hello can I request x stabler teen is assaulted but she doesn’t tell him because she doesn’t like conflict but he notices the grab marks on her arms.

Tw: assault, sa almost

Third person pov...

Elliot and Olivia just got back to the station after closing up a case, it wasnt a nice one, 5 girls had been attacked by a boy in their class for making fun on him.

"Glad thats over" sighs Liv as she runs her fingers through her hair, Elliot smirked "you said it" he says, sighing the girls reminded him a bit to much of his daughters, as they walked in a young
H/C teen was sat at Elliots desk, spinning in his chair.

Elliot recognised the hair instantly, smiling he stood by the desk calling out to her "Y/N, what are you doing here honey?" He asks, this made his daughter jump.

She spins around a large smile on her face as she spots him, the teen uses her foot to stop spinning. She then leaps up from the chair and over to her Dad.

"Daddy!" She explained jumping into his arms, Elliot let out a 'oof' as he caught his daughter, she wasn't as light as she used to be.

"What're you doing here honey?" He asks her again sending a look to Liv who was laughing at the man. Y/N extracts herself from his arms to hug Liv. "My period 6 class got cancelled so I came to see you" she grinned at the man.

Y/N had always been the most affectionate and physical of the Stabler Children, she was especially fond of Liv. "Hope you weren't here for long Baby" he says giving her a look, which she 'innocently' avoids.

Instead she focuses on pulling her sleeves down from where she had rolled them up before he arrived, as she did the man's eyes followed it, on her wrist he saw a red mark, quickly he had her wrist in his hand.

Y/N flinched and tried to yank her wrist out of his hold. Elliot was angry, with furrowed eyebrows he tried to pull her sleeve up.

But the teen struggled and tried to get him to let go. "What the hell, Dad let go" she yells, drawing attention to them from his team.

Liv stands from her desk and walks over to the two, she then leans in the man's ear. "El, what are you doing?" She asks, She looks into Y/Ns E/C eyes begging her to help.

Y/Ns continued to struggle against him. "Dad! Let go" finally coming back to himself Elliot let her go, Liv grabs his hand, this made him look away from his daughter's wrist.

Liv looked at Y/N, the teen was yanking down her sleeves again, tears in her eyes. She sat back into her Dad chair absently rubbing her wrist.

Liv turns back to her partner, the mans blue eyes hadn't looked away from his daughter's wrist. "Who hurt you?" He asks directed at the teen.

Y/N pretends to not hear him and turn away, Elliot didn't like that and turns her around to face him. Almost begging her he asks again.

"Baby, who hurt you?"

At the desperation in his voice Y/N broke, the H/C girl began sobbing into her hands, she bent forward her face in her hands. Elliot was on his knees crushing his baby girl into his chest.

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