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A young man is sitting in front of a camera in what appears to be a studio apartment making sure it was on. "Okay, so what I'm about to tell you may sound a bit crazy." He said 

Scene Change

The young man is shown falling off the side of a building trying to stabilize himself in the air while looking at a strange watch on his wrist.

Back To The Apartment 

"We kind of live in a world where aliens exist." 

Scene Change

A video of Superman grabbing a couple of bank robbers is shown while the frame zoomed in on the Man of Steel's smile.

Back To The Apartment

"Wait obviously you knew that Superman was an alien, what I meant to say was we live in a world with some pretty dangerous ones." 

Scene Change

An explosion in the middle of the street could be felt as the camera zoomed in on a large brown dinosaur like creature roaring and throwing a car. The scene shifts again to a creature seemingly made of fire screaming and erupting in a fit of rage as the camera cuts out.

Back To The Apartment 

"But don't worry my friends and are kind of pros when it comes to this."

Scene Changes

Supergirl arrived on a scene as she looked to stop a fight, but was met with a green goo like creature with what seemed to be a projector hovering above it's head sat before it gave her a thumbs up.

The scene shifts again to what seems to be a government facility as Alex Danvers and the young man are back to back. It appears like the duo is surrounded by humanoid like figures with strange squid like beings on their heads as the camera cuts out.

The camera cuts back in to James Olsen, Winn Schott, and the young man are seen running frantically away from a group of knights decked out with laser pistols before the young man turned around after the watch on his wrist glowed green.

Back To The Apartment 

"Crap I forgot to introduce myself." The young man fixed the camera to show his short brown hair and hazel eyes before zooming it back out to show off his outfit which consisted of a black t-shirt, jeans, and black shoes. "My name is Kenneth Tennyson, but you can call me Ken and well I'm bit of a big deal."

Scene Changes

Ken is shown speeding through the streets in a Dodge Challenger as a large metal top chased after him. The camera cuts out and then shows the young man standing next to Kara on a rooftop who pulled off her glasses as he gazed into the watch on his wrist.

Back To The Apartment

"I live with my buddy Winn in National City and let's just say things are kind of cool."

Scene Changes 

Ken is shown on the ground battered and bloody screaming out in pain as Supergirl hovered over him with glowing red eyes before the camera shifts. 

Back To The Apartment

"My bad wrong clip, try to forget about that one okay." 

Scene Changes

Ken and Winn are out in the desert watching fireworks and sharing a couple of drinks. The camera shifts and shows Ken doing donuts in the same area of the desert as the duo laughed. The scene shifts to Alex showing Ken the proper way to throw a punch as he threw a punch at her but her instincts forced him to the ground in a hold. 

Back To The Apartment

"Oh yeah I gotta have you meet someone real quick." Ken said before pulling another chair and calling someone in. Kara awkwardly sat down next to her friend who gave her a goofy smile. "You know how I feel about being on camera Ken." "I know, but come on we'll laugh about this someday. Everyone this is Kara Danvers, assistant to Cat Grant and surprisingly one of the most punctual people on the planet."

"It's not hard being punctual when you actual get some sleep." Kara scolded. "Touché, we kind of work together to make the world a better when we aren't slaving away at our "lovely" day job." Ken said with an eye roll. "I actually like my job thank you very much." "Trust me the world knows." The young man smirked earning a punch to the shoulder as he yelped out in pain. "Easy there girl of steel not all of us are made of the stronger stuff." 

"Kennnn you just said that I was Supergirl on camera." "Hey, you just gave that info out I could've been just using a nick name." He argued as Kara tried to cover the camera before it shut off with a cracking. When it next came on the duo sat staring at the camera wondering if it still worked as Ken noticed the red blinking light. "Okay we're back now back to what I was saying." Ken said as Kara's attention was else where before he sighed. "They need us at the DEO." 

"Well ladies and gentleman duty calls." Ken said as the camera shut off.

Scene Changes

Ken is on a rooftop as Kara took off at great speeds into the sky as the young man stretched and cracked his knuckles. "I would give you a little bit more of a peek into my other life, but where would the fun in that be." The young man turned the dial on the watch sifting through silhouettes before deciding on one. "Oh what the hell I'll give you this for free." Ken placed the camera in a spot where the viewer could see off into the city. 

"It's Hero Time!" Ken triumphantly yelled while he dove off the window with a green flash shortly following as a red blur shot off into the city.

The Story of Ken Tennyson as he navigates the world with a pretty different point of view is coming soon. I hope you're excited cause I got some pretty cool things planned for this story. It will be canon to our Arachverse so I can't wait to see what you guys think of Ken's journey in our new story Supercharged

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