Back in The Saddle

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A young man's brisk steps echoed in the confined space of the elevator as the faint hum of its ascent enveloped him. In the midst of his haste, a subtle vibration emanated from his pocket, causing him to roll his eyes. With a bemused expression, he fished out his phone," Hey bud, what's up?" He answered by injecting his voice with charisma that resonated through the phone.

Winn pleaded, a hopeful desperation in his voice, 'Tell me you're here.' The plea earned a chuckle from the young man on the other end of the line. 'I'm about to step out of the elevator,' he responded, his words carrying a hint of amusement. Stepping into the office, he took a moment to survey his surroundings, noting Winn's nervous energy as he tapped his fingers anxiously against his thigh.

Observing his friend's agitation, the young man decided to playfully tease him. "You know she isn't going anywhere. If you're going to ask her out, you might as well do it today"' Startled, Winn yelped at the sudden appearance of his friend, who had managed to sneak up on him unnoticed. "What!?" Winn exclaimed, clearly caught off guard. "Why would I ask Kara out?" he questioned, genuine confusion etched on his face.

His friend raised an eyebrow, a knowing expression crossing his face. "Ever since I moved here, dude, you always have that look in your eye. Oh yeah, I never said a name, by the way." He smirked before watching Winn shoot up and walk to their friend. "Did you see this? There was an armored car robbery last night. There were no witnesses except for this homeless guy who swears the perp had horns." Winn rambled as his friend handed Kara a cup of coffee.

"Thanks Ken." She said as the both turned to Winn with a questionable look on their faces. "I'm telling you, they're out there. Aliens!" Winn said with excitement beaming from his voice. Kara had let loose a small laugh, "Winn, there is no such thing as aliens." "Well, you might feel differently if you read this website."

"Winn my friend, you write that website." Ken stated earning a giggle out of Kara. "I- I contribute." Winn stuttered as Ken sat at his desk watching his close friend beckon a question. "Hey, um, I was wondering if maybe you wanna... I don't know, go see, go see a movie tonight."

"I-I can't, I'm sorry. I have a date." Kara glanced over to Ken who went from wincing from the idea. "You're going on a date?" He sat up from his comfy position intrigued. "That's great... Fun. Dating is fun." Winn said as his friend went back to wincing at the event taking place. "It's an online date. Says we are 82% compatible, so... Should be good."

"You-you know that you can't quantify emotions based on an algorithm?" Ken chuckled, fiddling with a basic watch on his wrist,"Winn, you're IT, isn't your whole life based on algorithms?" "Yes, so if there was an algorithm for love I think that I would know about it." Winn answered his friend and then turned his attention back to Kara," It's just like you're gonna know when it hits you, Kara. It'll be all "Wah-pow."

Ken snickered for a bit before noticing Kara spacing off, "Kara?" "She's here." Ken uncharacteristically stood straight, and put on a fake grin while looking at the elevator, "I'm never going to understand how you keep doing that." "Good morning, Miss Grant." Kara rushed forward not having a chance to answer Ken even though both him or Winn would repeat that question every time.

"The only reason I bought this building was because it had a private elevator. That way, I don't have to get soaked in cheap cologne every morning, getting to my office. Find out who used it, have them reprimanded, or bathed, I don't care which."

Ken and Winn looked at the other, rolling their eyes and getting to work,"If it counts I don't think you smell cheap Winn." "Ken, I know you're being my friend, but not now." Ken had felt his phone vibrate yet again, but it wasn't a call, but a reminder. 'Meet up with Grandpa Max.' He thought before noticing Kara leave Cat's office and move towards them.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 16 ⏰

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