Chapter 17 (M)

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Taegguk was sleeping in his parent's room he was tired after the school while the twins were in their home library studying for their upcoming exams and Taehyung was showering in the guest room bathroom because he didn't want to disturb taegguk's sleep

A piercing scream echoes through out the whole house, jungkook who just came back from office was unlocking the door, burst inside the house hearing Taehyung's scream

running as fast as he could jungkook ran towards the guest room

He didn't know what happened to Taehyung but his heart was beating loudly

"Taehyung love!!!" Jungkook said loudly, knocking on the washroom door
"Oh JUNGKOOK! It's OPEN PLS HURRY! Get INSIDE Hurry!!!!" Taehyung shouted at jungkook

Jungkook quickly opened the door thinking that maybe taehyung slipped inside the bathroom and broke his body part.

"Baby!?" Jungkook throws the bathroom door open and-

Taehyung was standing in the bathtub, the corner of the bathtub, wrapped in a towel and his
eyes looked red like he had been crying for quite a while.he was looking terrified

And jungkook was just confused because he looked physically fine. No marks, no bruises from falling no broken body part all fine

He stepped inside and tilts his head looking at Taehyung with worried and confused eyes

"Baby love what's wrong? What happened why were you shouting are you fine?"Jungkook asked many questions hurriedly and worriedly which Taehyung ignored and instead

"Koo love hurry come here!" Taehyung said panicking more and pressing his back against the wall. "PLEASE!! It's fking moving!" Taehyung shouted looking at wide eyed jungkook

Jungkook hurriedly and walked up to taehyung and looked inside the bathtub where
A small tiny black spider was crawling

(One thing about Taehyung well not one two he hates like HATES any kind of insects and is terrified of them and also he HATES anything with feathers be it chicks parrots pigeons or whatsoever he hates them he just loves one thing with feathers and that is a DEVIL WITH BLACK WINGS now he mows they don't exits but he loves them )

Jungkook sighed and calmed down his fast beating heart he was worried greatly and comforted Taehyung

"Oh hey! Hey shush. It's alright baby . I'm here it's just a spider ." Jungkook said "come here hold my hand get out of there my love"

"Pick me! I'm not moving! This creature will crawl up to me it's eww and terrifying I hate them" Taehyung sniffled eyes fixed on the spider waiting for any sign that the spider is crawling towards him

Jungkook smiled lovingly at his cute little husband who looks just like his little son now when he is crying for more chocolates and ice creams

Jungkook placed one foot inside the tub and then he placed his one hand under Taehyung shoulder and the other under taehyung's hips

Taehyung jumped up into Jungkook's arms, and wrapped his legs around his waist tightly

"Love my baby you scared me. I didn't know what happened and what state I'd find you in when I enter !? I was worried"jungkook said amd kissed his husband's cheeks

"Hmm" taehyung sniffled again still terrified and buried his face inside Jungkook's neck trying to seek comfort jungkook rubbed his back smoothly

Jungkook then sat on the edge of the bed with Taehyung in his arms he was still Rubbing taehyung's waist with his hands softly and was placing little kisses on his head to calm him down

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