Chapter 6

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The mixes she's given you are even better than the ones you've already heard and you can't help but feel proud she's trusted you with them. You enjoy the drive and are bummed when there's a few more songs than you can play before you get there. But you go ahead and grab your things and go inside. Your parents greet you and you watch television together for a little while before you start to get tired. After witnessing a loud yawn from your mouth, your parents suggest you go to bed. After all, you have the surgery tomorrow. Nodding you give them both hugs and a kiss on the cheek before retiring to your old bedroom.

Once you're settled in bed, you grab your phone and send Beca a text.

Hey, it's late so sorry if I wake you up, but I just wanted to let you know I made it home okay. Also I listened to the mixes you gave me on the way and they were AMAZING. Seriously. You are ridiculously talented.

You close your eyes and move onto your side, grabbing your purple unicorn stuffed animal and holding it close to you. You're not expecting a response from Beca, but you get one anyway. Holding the phone in your hand, the bright screen lights up the room as you read her text message.

Glad you made it ok. And thanks. It means a lot. Really. :)

Her little smiley face seems so out of character that it makes you smile like an idiot and you quickly type out a response.

Anytime! I'm headed to bed though, so I'll talk to you tomorrow? :)

Your phone vibrates in your hand and you jump, having been very close to falling asleep.

Definitely. Goodnight! :)

With a tired grin, you put your phone on your bedside table and turn over onto your other side. It doesn't take very long for you to fall asleep. When you wake up your mom offers you breakfast and you remind her that you're not supposed to eat because of the surgery. Your stomach is growling, though, and you can only abate it with a glass of water.

You and your family leave for the hospital where the procedure is being done and you can't stop shaking you're so nervous. You really want to text Beca but you can't tell her about what's about to happen because you're afraid she'll get angry with you for not saying something last night. Instead you try to think of other things as you are ushered into the hospital and meet with your doctor. He explains what the surgery is going to be like and within no time, you're being taken to the operating room. You're put out for the procedure, like you begged to be, and so the next thing you know, you're waking up in the hospital bed.

Your throat is hurting and you're afraid to talk, uncertain if you even can at this point. The doctor comes back in to see how you're doing and mentions that you should try your best to abstain from talking today and you nod in agreement, even though the thought of not saying anything all day sounds horrifying to you. He leaves the room and you send your parents in search of the nurses to bring you cold food and drink. You think they'll help the pain in your throat, plus you haven't eaten all day.

Right after your parents leave, your phone goes off. Your heart leaps in your chest because you think maybe it's Beca, but when you look at the message you notice it's from Aubrey. Your eyes dart across the screen, reading her message and you pound your hands on the table in excitement, wishing you could squeal or scream instead. She's just told you that the Bellas are going to nationals due to the disqualification of one of the winning teams.

You send her back a text, feeling a sense of elation but also doubt as you realize what this means. Another competition...and you thought the season was over. If you'd know this was going to happen you would've waited to have surgery until after nationals. What if you can't sing the way you could before?

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