Chapter 2

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Auditions themselves are pretty excruciating. You see a lot of familiar faces, including Fat Amy the mermaid dancer (who thankfully left that bit out of her routine) and entirely too many bad singers. As the auditions round to a close, you find yourself feeling disappointed Beca didn't show up. You were almost certain she would. But then you see her on the side of the stage and you announce that you have one last audition. As she approaches the stage, she admits that she didn't prepare the audition song. You tell her to sing anything she wants and Aubrey kicks you under the table but you don't even care.

You watch, transfixed, as Beca leans down and takes the pen cup off your table. She pours the pens out and then starts doing the strangest, most charming thing. She begins making a beat with the cup in this really cool motion where she spins the cup and slams it down and then, after what seems like forever, she starts to sing.

I got my ticket for the long way 'round
Two bottle 'a whiskey for the way

You don't know the song but that doesn't even matter because she sounds like a goddess. You're smiling as wide as you possibly can and you raise your eyebrows and exchange a look with Aubrey before training your eyes back on the girl auditioning. She's undeniably talented and you can feel yourself getting goosebumps from her voice.

And I sure would like some sweet company
And I'm leaving tomorrow, wha-do-ya say?

It feels like you and her are the only people in the room and she's staring right at you. You shiver and cross your arms, trying not to let her affect you. It's like she's asking you to join her, with the lyrics to the song and the playful way she's looking at you...she's alluring in the most unexpected way. You're speechless as you listen to her. But then as quickly as she started, she's done.

Everyone seems amazed by what she's just shown them. Even Aubrey looks visibly impressed. As you chat with her about the auditions you've just seen, you notice Beca begin to head out of the auditorium. You really want to say hello and so you excuse yourself, following her out the door. She regards you with an amused grin.

"What a cool audition. Where'd you learn that whole cups routine?" You ask her curiously, honestly having never seen something like that before.

She shrugs like it's no big deal. "A video I watched online."

She's too cool. You're just a big spaz. She plays it off like she didn't just perform like a professional singer and here you are just trying not to fangirl on her.

"Oh." You manage, practically feeling the awkward in the air. "Well. We'll...let you know." You offer dumbly. Beca nods and gives you a half wave before making her way down the hall.

You go to the bathroom to pee, to give your excusing yourself purpose. You wash your hands and then rejoin Aubrey, who goes over her notes on the girls who auditioned. She makes fun of the boys; they don't matter to her anyway since the Bellas are an all-girls team. Together the two of you return to your dorm and make decisions about who you're choosing.

After making your choices (some of which are pretty sketchy honestly, but there's slim pickings), you both retire to bed. It's important to get rest because the next night is initiation night, which is even crazier than auditions. It's a lot like being sworn into a sorority, except you think sororities are totally lame. You and Aubrey will gather up the chosen girls, cover their heads and bring them to a location to initiate them into the Bellas. You'll have them recite the pledge, give them their scarves and take measurements for uniforms, and finally drink the blood of the sisters (courtesy of Boone's Farm) before partying all night long. All the chosen from each a capella group gets together before competition starts, because everyone deserves to take a load off before things get serious.

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