Chapter Two | Annoyed With The Whispers

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As Amara finished getting ready for the day, having already finished her morning bath and tea, she started down the stairs.

However, as she walked down the halls, she was quite annoyed that the only thing she heard from the others were their soft voices whispering to one another.

She wasn't sure as to why it annoyed her, as it was none of her business. However, that didn't stop the annoyance from creeping into her head.

So, when she had grown tired of such a noise. She had silenced them, and decided to look for Angela for answers.

As she traveled throughout the castle to the main hall, she had found the very person she had wished to see.

"Angela. There you are! I've been searching for you." Amara said rather stiffly. Angela turned towards the Princess and bowed before speaking softly, "I apologize, Princess Amara. Forgive me. What is it that you require?"

Amara stared at Angela for a moment before sighing. "There have been whispers around the castle. Are you aware of such?" Amara asked lightly. Angela nodded slowly before replying, "Yes, your highness, I am aware of this. Why is it that you ask?" The Princess laced her hands together, and took a couple moments before speaking, "I depend to know what they are speaking of."

Angela smiled sweetly. "You have not heard, your highness?" Angela questioned. With this simple question, the Princess not only grew curious, but agitated. "Heard of what, Angela? Do tell." Amara spoke stiffly.

"Oh it's a wonderful thing, your highness! Prince Philip has decided to visit the palace. Your father believes that the two of you might call an engagement! Isn't that wonderful, Princess?" Angela speaks happily.

It takes Amara a moment to process the information Angela has given her. Prince Philip? Coming to the palace? Engagement?
Why was I not aware of this? Why was I not the first to know? How am I just now gaining this knowledge?

Amara feels her head spinning in a thousand directions. "I must talk to my father about this! Oh, Angela, do you know where my father might be?" Amara questions harshly.

"He'd be in his office now, Princess." Angela states wearily. Amara spins on her heels and head directly for her father's office.


"An engagement! How could you, father?" Amara all but yells.

She has been in her father's office for no more than five minutes, and was already causing her father a hard time.

"You must, my darling. You should be proud you get this chance. I've heard not many can gain his eyes." Her father tries to reason. However, Amara will hear none of his reasonings. It was pointless.

"I know nothing of that man, father! Why must I marry a man I've never met? I have no knowledge of how he looks or acts!" Amara yells in protest.

"I'm sorry, my darling, but he is to arrive tomorrow morning. I wish you'd go along with this. Don't make such a fuss, now." Her father states with a reasoning tone.

Amara felt her blood boil. How dare he? How dare he do this without her consent? She felt utterly betrayed. By her father, no less.

Amara glared at her father before she turned and stormed out of his office.

She headed for the dungeons. She needed to blow of steam, and she knew exactly how.

A wicked grin grew on her delicate face.


Amara cackled as the screams of a woman could be heard.

Amara had called the dungeon gards to help her as she decided to torture a young woman with brown hair.

She has put the woman in a tup, and started pouring burning hot water onto the woman's skin. It was more effective, as the woman had very little to no clothing at all!

Amara loved the screams the woman had put on display. Just wonderful! The guards, used to the Princess's actions, were showing no emotion as they helped and watched the victim cry out in pain.

The young woman cried and screamed as the burning pain would not vanish. For when it did, only more would come.

Amara had soon grown tired of the hot water and decided to pick another tool.

The Princess turned to one of the two guards, and demanded him to bring the burning steal, which Amara had demanded to always have steal that was hot.

As the guard came back with the steal, Amara ordered the other guard to chain the woman to the ceiling, in which he obeyed.

Once said woman was chained up, Amara took hold of the handle that held up the burning steal, which was red and orange from the heat, and pressed it against the woman's back.

The young woman screamed don agony. Oh, how she wished the pain would stop. However, her wish did not come true, as Amara had no intention of stopping so soon.

Amara put down the burning steal and wrapped her hand around the handle of a knife, the woman's screams dying down a bit, turning into sobs.

The wicked Princess took the blade and cut into the flesh of the woman's calf, causing the scream to erupt once more.

She then asked the guard for a bottle of bleach, in which he obeyed once more.

Handing her the bottle, Amara sprayed it into the wound of the calf, giving the already stinging wound a harsher feeling, causing the woman to scream and squirm.

Amara once again picked up the burning steal and pressed it the woman's bare stomach. The pain was overwhelming for the woman, and she was screaming so much her throat began to sore.

Amara thought it was a beautiful sight. A wonderful sight. Something too precious to lose. Oh, how wonderful indeed!

Amara cackled as the screams of the woman grew. Yes... Very wonderful!


After Amara's little show in the dungeon, she had decided to take a well needed bath. She had called Angela to run her a bath with lots of bubbles.

Angela knew that when Amara had ordered a bubble bath with extra bubbles, it only meant that she had her fun.

Angela wouldn't deny she felt a slight twinge of pity for Amara's victims, she just chose not to say anything, with the fear of becoming like them.

Best to stay quiet, she always said.


Amara sunk into the lovely bath full of bubbles. Tomorrow, she'd have to meet Prince Philip, in which she was in no way interested.

She was angered she was forced into such a thing! A little voice in her head, however, said differently. Though she payed it little to no mind.

It was a retched idea anyway!

She would just have to wait and see. Perhaps it may not be all too bad?
That was just a maybe, though.


Thank you for reading this chapter. I hope it was to your liking. I appreciate your time spent reading this, good day.

Yours truly,

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