The Man He Loves (Destiel)

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Imagine Dean did fight the Mark for years. Many years later, Sam and everyone else Dean had ever loved was long dead; everyone except Castiel. It was just the two of them. They were the only ones left. Cas had never left Dean's side, not once. They'd stuck together because they were all each other had. Cas used his angel mojo to magically repair the impala when she became too outdated for Dean to find spare parts for her. Cas comforted Dean when he became ridden with feelings of melancholiness and emptiness and despair. Cas calmed Dean when the Mark of Cain made the monster inside him try to come alive and destroy the planet. Cas was the only one who could've kept Dean from turning dark for all those years because he was the only good thing left in Dean's life. Cas held Dean close in his arms when he cried and cried on the day of Sam's death. Cas helped bury Sam because Dean didn't have the heart to burn him. Cas held Dean's hand when he visited Sam's grave every year on his birthday. Cas helped Dean fight the Mark and in doing so, he continued to fulfill his original mission: to save the Rightous Man, to protect him, to love him, and that's exactly what he did.
And when Dean finally turned, and he did turn, just like Cas predicted he would, Cas couldn't fight him. He tried to stop him, sure, with every breath in his body. But when the Mark of Cain finally turned Dean, Cas really would watch him murder the world, because he'd rather do that than try to destroy the man he loves.

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