Chapter 11:Homesickness

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Over the next two days, Thorax did not go to Twilight’s cave. He deliberately focused on his patrols, doing his job with excessive diligence. He took note of everything he came across that was worth reporting and spared no details when he returned to the Hive. Each time he did so, the impressed look on Pharynx’s face became more and more pronounced.

The reason for this behavior was twofold. For one thing, Thorax wanted to prove Scorpion and Mandible wrong. By doing his absolute best on patrol, he was hoping to improve his physique and confidence. Maybe, he thought, if he worked at it hard and long enough, then those two insufferable bullies would finally start to leave him alone.

The second reason was because of his guilt over raiding the Hive’s storage. Pharynx almost certainly knew that it had been him, and the shame he felt was hard to describe. Those feelings of regret drove him to keep an eye out for potential gathering spots out in the wasteland to include in his reports. Every time he did so, he felt just the smallest spark of hope that he could make up for his selfishness.

On the third day, though, Thorax finally decided to return to the cave and see Twilight. She was probably starting to wonder what had happened to him to cause such a delay, and he needed to make sure her stomach rot wasn’t getting worse again. He wouldn’t be able to bring a substantial meal with him this time, sadly, but he could still go and see her.

His patrol today took him out of the Hive in the morning, only an hour or two after sunrise. It occurred to Thorax as he took his leave that his patrol schedule had been erratic and inconsistent. Probably Pharynx putting a deliberate strain on him so he could build up a tolerance to unexpected conditions and power through his drowsiness.

The journey to the cave passed by in a relative blur. Thorax’s eyes did scour the ground below him intently for any sign of trouble, but his mind was elsewhere for the duration of the trip. Namely, he was wondering whether or not he should tell Twilight how he had been getting the meals he had been bringing her. After all, she was a curious and perceptive mare, and would no doubt notice the sudden end of meaningful meals coming from him.

But could he really bring himself to confess to it outright? From all he heard about Equestria, crimes like that were relatively rare. It was such an idyllic place to call home… would Twilight really be okay with being friends with a thief?

“If she asks me,” he decided once the cave came into view up ahead. “I’ll tell her everything…”

He touched down just outside of the cave, careful not to make too much noise. Twilight was probably awake by now, but just in case she was still asleep, he didn’t want to disturb her too much. Moving slowly, he inched into the cave. “Twilight? You awake?” he called out in a low voice.

There was no answer.

Thorax frowned, allowing his eyes to refocus. The colors of the cave were suddenly washed out as a dense dark blue mist came into view, filling the entire cave. His stomach churned at the sight, and his jaw fell open in shock. Some of the mist slipped inside to tickle his tongue, and he almost retched on the spot. Clamping his muzzle shut, he slowly inched deeper and deeper into the cave. “Twilight?!” he called again, louder this time.

“I’m here,” came the reply.

Thorax paused. Twilight’s voice was quiet and weak, but not from sickness like it had been in the past. A lump formed in his throat, and he carefully made his way around the bend. Twilight sat there, her back facing him with her head hung low. She was holding something in his hooves, though he could not see what from this angle.

He gingerly approached, refocusing his eyes to block out the blinding haze of sorrow. “Hey… are you okay?” he called gently, reaching a hoof out to her shoulder.

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