2. House for two.

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A Circle was a well-heard, but poorly known in the Budapest; as strange as it sounds, it was the best description. Almost everyone heard about the Circle, witches were visiting the "Dog" occasionally, but the inner kitchen of this group was hidden in the mist of rumors and stories of dubious authenticity. And every knew that Witch hill wasn't named just because someone thought that it's a gold idea to do so.

Edith told them that this morning there should have been a Circle meeting on the hill, "as usual", she said. But as she walked uphill, she saw a bird on the tree and stopped to take a look, despite already being late to the meeting.

When she has finally been there, there was no Circle and no witches. Just a clean circle, where the ritual shrine used to be. A whole stone circle with a massive stone used in rituals just disappeared, like it was never been there.

"I was scared to the bones. I ran away like a little coward."


They were standing at the edge near the absent Circle. The picture was ominous, and a chill ran down Terry's spine, when she thought that it should be the same kind of mysterious crap, that happened to her store. Someone was stealing not money, not things, but entire massive objects — for what? And how? Terry was a full layman in magic, so she could only speculate what kind of power it was.

No wonder that Edith ran away, she said to herself, this place is scary.

Edith, as it looks, wasn't afraid anymore, but more shocked, as she was standing along and constantly looking to the distance. Terry came closer, looked into her face, and suddenly realized that she could be her age or slightly older. 

Edith blinked and turned her gaze to her. "Huh? Sorry. I...was carried away, it seems. Do you think they are okay out there?" 

Terry saw that she was desperately trying to drive away bad thoughts, and smiled at her. "Of course they are fine. I'm sure that Emily will do something."

"Eh." A feeble smile. "How well do you know her?"

"I saw her today for the first time, but Garold recommended her a lot. Have you heard about this story like ten years ago? About angels? She was there, or so everyone thought."

Edith shook her head, looking at Terry wide open. "I've never heard this story. I was twelve ten years ago, and, well, I am not that into stories and rumors, really. Enlighten me?"

Well, that's kinda backfired. She wasn't ready to depict this story in details, and without details it wasn't as interesting as it may seem. At least she got distracted a little.

"I will, but not today. It's a long tale better suited for an armchair near the fireplace, and I have no armchair nor fireplace in my bag today." Edith smiled widely, and couldn't help but laugh. "I promise, one day I will tell you. Deal?"

The joke wasn't great, but hey, if it works, it works.

Emily been standing alone, and seemed deep in her thoughts, but turned to Terry as she moved closer.

"How is she?"

"Shocked. Lost. Alone. But I think she will be fine, she just needs time." 

Emily nodded slowly. "She is a warrior." Terry returned a doubtful look. 

"Believe me, I saw many. She is a warrior, but any warrior could be weak sometimes." She took a pause. "She needs time and also some help."

"What can I do?" Terry toned her voice down, Emily shrugged.

"Just be with her. She is a nice young lady, it seems, and maybe you'll feel yourself better if there will be someone along." The whole Budapest already knows, or what?? Freaking village.

The Fairy, The Witch and Lost ItemsWhere stories live. Discover now