3. Trip.

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At the late morning Terry woke up — unusually late for her, but she had a good sleep without any bad dreams. She was alone, and she casually thought that Edith may just go to the bathroom or something. I felt so comfortable when she was nearby. But as she got to the main room, Edith had nowhere to be seen.

Terry tried to think positive. Maybe she just went for a walk, or she forgot something in her room at the Witch hill? But her heart still sank. 

Oh, Edith. I just hope that you will return. It's been a less than a day, and I'm already have no idea what I will do if you will go. She has frozen in place. I thought what? Do I feel it that way?

However, at this very moment the door creaked, and Edith has appeared on the doorstep with the tightly stuffed bag. She smiled widely as she saw Terry staying in the center of the room, and entered the house, speaking, while placing the bag, taking off the shoes and the hat.

"Morning! Sorry, you were sleeping so tight, so I decided that I wouldn't wake you up. I had awoken early, so I thought it would be nice from my side to make a breakfast or something. But there was an issue, either I'm blind like a mole, or you hide products too damn good," she took a breath, "so I decided that I could just quickly find a grocery or something nearby, and I did! It ain't much, but it's something." 

She looked so proud of herself, so Terry couldn't stand it and laughed. Edith joined.

"Oh dear!" Terry wiped away tears of laughter, "you have done everything just right, the pantry was almost empty anyway, but yesterday was so crazy that I completely forgot about that." Edith has beamed with delight.

"But don't you scare me that much next time!" said Terry sternly, "I thought for a second that you had just gone away."

"No way!" She was offended, it seemed. "Who, do you think, I am? A windy lass?" 

Terry felt awkward. "I... I don't mean it! I just..." She has sat in the armchair, hunched, hid her face. Edith rushed closer, kneeled at her and hugged.

"Hey, hey," she whispered, "I shouldn't speak to you that way. I just speak ahead of my brain, and sometimes just aren't concerned enough about my tone."

"No, it's my fault," Terry said hollowly, "I need to tell you something."

And she told her everything about her mother. How she was feeling herself after she has gone, and how she just couldn't comprehend how to live, how elated she was when she met her. Edith listened prudently.

"And now you know why I reacted that way. When I realized that you're not here, I was just like 'oh no, not again, I am not ready for this'."

"Apparently it's my turn", said Edith musingly, "Oh dear. I was so dumb. You told me everything yesterday, but I was so freaking blind that I just missed that completely. Should've guessed." She was silent for a moment. "I will never leave you, I promise. Because you saved me, and I saved you. We need each other."


Later this day, they made their way to the "Dog". This time the place was packed, and they could barely get to the bar counter to have a word with Garold. "Miss Attwood, miss Hay, it's nice to see you today!" He was very enthusiastic. 

"Garold", greeted Terry, "how it's going? Is Emily here?"

"No, she is not, but she told me that you better find her at her office. It's too crowded today, and I'm afraid that all the back rooms are also full. There is no way you could talk privately here today."

"True," snorted Terry, "Edith!" She grabbed her by the hand. "Stay close, my dear, or I will search for you until the third coming in that mess".

They fell out of the "Dog", accompanied by the noise. "Phew. Yesterday there was no one, as empty as a pauper's purse, and today it's gonna tear at the seams. Holy cow."

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