Why so tense?

33 3 7

The warm sunlight rays make the short blonde male stir awake and squint his eyes. As he sits on his bed, he looks over at his alarm and realizes he's late to work

"Oh shit! I'm late, no no no~"

He hurries and goes to the restroom taking a cold shower, only to realize, he didn't have work today.

Today was Sunday and it was his off day.

Ever since Felix had gotten a high position in the medical field, it was muscle memory that he would wake up early.

He sighs in relieve and smiles as he remembered he had a date with his boyfriend today. He squealed in excitement as it had been a while since he saw Wooyoung, and was eager to spend the day with him.

He finished his shower, applied his skincare, and got dressed. He decided to wear some baby blue cargo pants with a dark blue shirt and white platform converse. He finished his look with some silver rings and a necklace that Wooyoung had given him for their first anniversary. He added the silver bracelets that Wooyoung had given him for their second anniversary.

Felix felt so lucky to have a partner that really cared about him and that spoiled him, even though Felix knew he didn't deserve any of the things.

He looked at himself in the mirror and smiled as he brushed his hair. He ruffled his hair and made it fluffy. He knew he was a really pretty male, he wouldn't deny that. He would receive so many compliments whenever he were to go outside.

Once he was done he applied some cologne and checked his phone for the time. It was 9am and Wooyoung was going to pick him up by 9:20.

He had some time left and he quickly ran to make himself some delicious strawberry pancakes. The blonde male was too excited he decided to make some pancakes for his beloved. He remembered how Wooyoung loved his strawberry pancakes and how he would always compliment Felix on how soft and fluffy they are. 

After Felix packed Wooyoung's pancakes into a cute pretty package, he poured some homemade strawberry juice that he made the previous day, into a new cup Felix had bought for his lover.

''I hope Wooyoung loves his new cup.. It has such a cute design on it''

The cup was a black cup- that had a baby blue heart in the middle, which represented Felix's heart and love for him. A slight blush spilled over his cheeks as he mentally face palmed himself in embarrassment.

''Damn Wooyoung, you got me so in love, I don't know what i would do without you.''

He got startled out of his little daze, as he heard a car beep outside.

Felix smiled wide and stuffed the breakfast he made into a cute white tote bag. He ran outside the house, locking it securely, and ran towards the car. He opened the car door and squealed when he sat down

''Baby!! I'm so happy to see you~''

''Hey love!, It really has been a while. I'm happy we have time to go out today~''

Felix blushed as Wooyoung's hand pulled Felix into a kiss. They shared a passionate, but somewhat awkward kiss.

Wooyoung pulled away first and smiled at the other. ''Baby I really missed you.''

Felix stared. Why did Wooyoung feel tense? He felt like there was some type of awkwardness in the air and he felt uneasy.

''Yeah me too.... Um, babe?''

''Yes love?''

''Are you okay? You seem a little tense. Did something happen.''

Wooyoung was startled at the question.

''Uh, no baby. I'm okay. Don't worry. Now, I reserved a table at a nice breakfast cafe, is that okay with you?

Wooyoung reserving a table? Never has Wooyoung done that before, as they always would like to decide what they BOTH wanted to eat. Felix shrugged the thought off as he was grateful for the others' efforts. But his smile dropped as he remembered the pancakes he made for themselves.

''Hey baby, I made your favorite pancakes. Do you want one?''

''Pancakes? Ohh my favorite blueberry pancakes!''

Blueberries? Since when did Wooyoung love blueberries in his pancakes?....

''Babe, they're strawberry pancakes.... Not blueberries?-''

Wooyoung looked like he had just seen a ghost as he looked really nervous.

''Ah, shit. Sorry babe. I've just been having so many blueberry pancakes every day, that I had forgotten about your delicious strawberry ones.''

''Every...day..? I didn't know you knew how to cook pancakes. It's the whole reason I only made them for you.... I didn't even know you liked blueberries. But that's good for you if you learnt how to make pancakes. '' Felix frowned, Wooyoung sounded so suspicious and he wasn't liking any of it.

Was somebody else making blueberry pancakes for his lover?

Was his lover...cheating?

He mentally shook his head and opened his bag to pull out the container full with pancakes.

''Here, I'll take one out for y-''

''A-Ah, no it's okay babe. I don't want to be full when we get to the breakfast cafe. I heard they had really good food there. Thank you though baby.''

Felix saw his smile. That was a fake smile. Wooyoung had just lied to him and he could see a fake smile form his lover's lips.

''Oh... T-thats, okay..''

Felix decided to not even pull out the cup he had bought as he didn't feel like it was the right time. Felix being the sunshine he is, decided to try and light up the mood.

"Okay babe! Lead the way~ I can't wait to see where we're going."

Wooyoung nodded not even looking at Felix and started driving.

The whole ride to the breakfast Cafe, was awkward. Felix would try to talk and ask some questions like how Wooyoung was doing, but Wooyoung would just hesitantly smile and say that he had just been busy.


As they pulled into the parking, Wooyoung hurriedly rushed out of the car almost forgetting about Felix.

Felix noticed that his lover was so excited for this new cafe. Was there something special happening in the cafe?

Both male entered the cafe and took their reserved seats.

"Oh, this place is pretty cool. I like the aesthetic vibe it has."

"I'm glad you like it love."

This time, Wooyoung was truly smiling.

A waiter came over to the two males, practically running towards them-


more like, running towards Wooyoung.

"Is that...?"


(Who could it be 😨)

New book!! Hope to be active more lol 😭
1110 Words

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 12 ⏰

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