I- infected

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No one really remembered how the Infection started.

Just that one day some previously normal people started acting weird and obsessed. That the Infection slowly spread throughout the city until it eventually went so far as to touch the laws and very rules society was based upon. Until uninfected people had no choice but to leave and find shelter elsewhere, far away from the city and the Infected.

Some made it, some didn't. And those who didn't... (Y/n) shuddered at the thought of what had happened to them. No one really knew for a fact what had happened to the Uninfected who hadn't succeeded in leaving the city. But some rumors mentioned camps, where the Uninfected were kept, until they were taken in by an Infected as a darling.

Darling, this was how Infected people called the object of their obsession. The single person that justified all actions previously condemned by society such as murder.

(Y/n)'s grandparents had been lucky enough to escape and be amongst the founders of the Uninfected community that had been built far away from the city, buried deep within the woods. Where exactly? No one knew for sure. But it was exactly the secrecy of the community's whereabouts that made it safe. For the moment the Infected government got a whiff of where the community hid, it would stop at nothing to 'save' its Uninfected members.

Save them from what? (Y/n) didn't really know, but her mother had told her a great deal about how the Infected saw them. As weak and vulnerable individuals unable to fend for themselves in a cruel world. Individuals deprived of the many physical advantages the Infection granted.

Enhanced speed, enhanced strength. Enhanced senses.

Advantages that made the Infected into real predators. And although (Y/n) had never seen an Infected, she'd heard countless stories about them and how dangerous it could be for someone like her to cross their path.

"Remember, (Y/n), the moment we step out of the community, we accept to become preys." (Y/n)'s mother had said to her when she was a young child, "Which is why?"

"We mustn't ever step outside." (Y/n) answered obediently, earning herself a pat on the head from her mother.

"Exactly. Good girl."

(Y/n)'s mother had always been overbearing and strict when it came to her children's preservation. Especially young (Y/n). And (Y/n) had always been obedient, listening to her mother in spite of her burning wish to discover the world and see the city for herself. After all, things got quite boring in the community after living there for 18 years.

On the other hand, (Y/n)'s older sister by four years, Grey, rarely listened to their mother's advice.

"There's so many things to see out there! I don't want to spend my life rotting here." Grey had said to (Y/n) one day, excitement twinkling in her eyes as she told her all about the things she had seen the previous night, when she had left through the window whilst their mother was asleep. "You can't imagine, (Y/n). I'll take you with me one day, I promise."

"Really? We'll explore the world together?" Little (Y/n) had asked. She had been but twelve at the time.

"I promise." Grey had booped her nose. "As soon as I've become strong enough to protect you from anything that could potentially hurt you out there."

After this night, (Y/n) had allowed herself to dream, wondering when Grey would finally take her with her and show her all the things she had seen. But years went by and by the time (Y/n) turned 18 she still hadn't stepped a foot outside of the community.

DARLING (yandere boys x reader)Where stories live. Discover now