Chapter 3 concluded

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    THE bell chimed above the door as June pushed in. The aroma of coffee and Karla's fresh concha's making her stomach growl.

    All of that faded the moment she felt Aporia, before she saw her. The air literally leaving her lungs. Pressure built between her shoulders, her lower back and between her thighs once her gaze found her.

    Seated at a small table in the far back was a dark haired goddess with pale skin and ruby red lips. Her posture chill and unburdened. She wore a black tank, skinny black jeans and black combat boots. She pulled off the goth look without even trying. Her eyes were also locked on June's so hard she stayed frozen.

    "June hun, not trying to interrupt you, but you're staring at her like she's dinner."

    June jumped as Karla whispered into her ear, scaring her out of her daze. June gave her kind eyes looking into the older hispanic woman's face.

    Her accent thick, she nudged her. "She's beautiful, June. Like seriously. If I wasn't married or straight I'd go for it. Her friend was a stunner too. Everyone has been staring. I'm not even mad at Greg looking. Cause mira!" She said gesturing over, very obviously.

    June laughed, looking back at the woman again, who was watching their exchange as if she could hear them. June swallowed. She probably could.

    "Yeah, thank you Karla. I'm going to her now. Um....bye." June numbly muttered.

    She didn't bother telling them this wasn't a blind date. Even Greg, out the corner of her eyes, gave her a thumbs up as she walked to the table, her heart running amuck. He was the same height as Karla. In his 60's but stocky and built. Balding with kind green eyes. June loved them both like family. As a foster kid growing up in the system, family wasn't something she had an abundance of. Not the good kind anyway. This neighborhood and this café growing up was her safe haven. They were her family. Her people. Squaring her shoulders June simply hoped all of it wouldn't implode from this meeting.

    Aporia's raw vibrancy made her nervousness all the more apparent, when she finally stood before her. Her knees slightly trembling. "Aporia?" She asked softly.

    The woman nodded, looking up at her. Her eyes making June freeze again. Aporia had heterochromia, but in a way she hadn't ever seen. One eye was completely amber hued with more red around the outer edge. The other jade green with bursting ocean blue surrounding her pupil. Her hair was long and straight, impossibly black in contrast to her milk olive skin tone. It moved like silk as she moved.

    "Yes. I am, Aporia. You must be the, June Chase, Flor just now informed me about. Please have a seat. We've much to discuss, you and I."

    June stood there as the woman's dulcet voice seemed to lure her into the seat. Her tone was so full of something sweet and deep, you couldn't help but yearn for and obey. June had to shake her a head moment and realized she was already sitting. Confused as to how.

    Aporia frowned. "Apologies, human. I forget myself around your kind. I don't socialize much. I'll be more polite from now on."

    June tensed; Aporia's words registering. "Why do you say human as if you aren't one?"

    Aporia sat back, a slow frown turning her ruby lips. "Flor hasn't told you anything? Of course she hasn't. She did the same thing with Shakespeare."


    Aporia raised a dark brow. "Is there any other William worth of note?" She sighed again, taking a savory drink of her coffee. "So to answer your first question, June: No, I am not a mortal human like you. I am human shaped and in human form in this moment. And I bleed if cut. But my wound would heal and be as never was. I do not age and have various other gifts you'd comprehend as magic."

    June paled, her saliva thick in her mouth. "What are you?"

"I've just asked myself that very question today. Truth is, I'm bored."

    June nervously, laughed loud at her answer, causing the people who were already staring, to look even more. It wasn't that large a café and the staring was beyond rude yet Aporia ignored it. "You just made a joke."

    Aporia softly grinned, flashing white teeth. "Yes, I do have a sense of humor despite what Flor or Ero might say. I can be fun. I also am observant. I see this is a lot on you. I'll be sure to tell both Flor and Ero of their errors with you. They are younger. I often forget they are more into moments. Not the consequences or the entire scope of their actions. Dealing with you mortals is a delicate business. There could be consequences if it's done incorrectly." Aporia exhaled; even that was sensual as her lips slightly parted. "I'm sorry. I can't imagine how all this must seem to you, June Chase. Are you ok?"

    "I don't know what I am. I don't even know what's real. All of this sounds crazy." June said quietly, leaning forward, her voice wavering.

    Aporia's expression was empathetic. "Don't doubt yourself, June Chase. We are just different, but we are all of Life and come from the Divine Source. Even mortals like yourself. We just are different types of spirits."

    June met her dual eyes again. It was intense and interesting to stare into her gaze. As if she was falling into a pit of fiery molasses and then diving into some tropical ocean. Aporia leaned in, her expression unreadable to June in her extremely beautiful face, "I see some of that spark my counterparts saw in you mortal. Quite particular you are. A singular gift indeed. Shall we meet up next week, same time to continue this talk?"

    June gasped, unprepared and upset. "You're already leaving?"

    Aporia gracefully stood up. "I'm giving you a choice they didn't, June. Your life will further change if you choose to see me again. In ways we both can only imagine. Still it is your choice and yours alone. Its been a remarkable pleasure, meeting you."

    She gently took her hand, kissed it tenderly, leaving no smudge behind. Her lips were just that red and soft.

    June gave an involuntary shiver.

    Aporia gazed down at her. "Definitely, remarkable and a pleasure."

    With that she left with a wave at Karla and Greg.

A Dream In June | Book 1(Bi 💖💜💙) 18+Where stories live. Discover now