Chapter Four: Dex

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Dex sighed as he sat down- on the floor. The wooden floor. The dang, holy molly wooden floor. It didn't seem very polite- as he saw that there were plenty of good chairs in the room, and all of which seemed to be unoccupied. But this was Stina's room- and Stina's rules.

Ugh, he wished he could just kill himself right there. But- he was going to teach Stina a lesson today. A lesson that would show her that Dex was important.

Stina was sitting in a large soft, pillow-covered chair, glaring at him. It had been at least ten minutes and neither one had said a single word to the other. It seemed like some sort of contest- who could stay silent the longest. And Dex was determined to win.

Finally, Stina rolled her eyes and said, "Well, aren't we here to work on a project?"

"Funny," Dex replied sourly, "I thought I was here for some different reason."

Stina sighed heavily. "Look, Dizznee, I hate this as much as you do. Its not like I want to be working on this with a loser like you. Heck, I would rather work with Sophie."

Dex felt like he had been punched in the gut- again. But he wasn't going to let Miss. Snob know that.

"But, if I'm going to prove to this Forkle that I deserve to be included in his bigger projects, I need to get this done right," Stina continued.

"Then why don't you do it yourself,' Dex said bitterly, picking some fuzz out of the cracks on the wooden floor.

Stina sighed exasperatedly and leaned in closer to Dex. "Well, I'm not the super tech-genius nerd who knows everything about Sensetelepis- aren't I?"

Dex rolled his eyes. "Don't act like I know what it is! I'm half convinced it's just a word Mr. Forkle made up!"

"Oh yeah?" said Stina, a prickly angry flush creeping up her face.

"Yeah!" Dex shouted back.

"Then I guess this project is useless after all!" Stina yelled, standing up so violently, she knocked the chair over.

"Yeah, maybe it is!" Dex yelled back, jumping up too.

Red light flickered in Stina's eyes. Dex took a step back, horrified. As he stumbled back, he noticed his own eyes were a blinding scarlet as well.

"Wait!-" Dex shouted, but red light suddenly eclipsed the room in a blinding flash.

As it faded, both him and Stina were standing there, shocked.  Everything around them had been knocked over, some things broken.

Dex sucked in a breath- ready to feel Stina's wrath when she realized the state of her room. It was absolutely silent.

But instead, Stina sat down shakily and whispered, "So, that brings us to the back to the drawing board."


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