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Practice just ended and I'm tired ash, I couldn't wait to get in the shower, eat and go to bed Pulling the key out of my pocket to unlock the door, I walked into my residence smelling food being cooked in the kitchen "Ma I'm home" I told her (in Korean ofc) taking my shoes off at the door
"Okayy, I'm making your favorite so hurry and wash up before you get here" she yelled to me and I just nodded knowing she couldn't see my face
Walking up the steps I sighed being happy to be back home, looking at my desk seeing the picture with younger me and my dad I missed him before he cared so much about taking over my life
I love my dad I'm not gonna lie, he put a roof over my head and all, but he's so controlling over my life, yes I enjoy football, but if I do horribly one time he's more angry than I am
I had a hurt shoulder all football season last year and he didn't care, he only made me work out more because "pain is a mindset" It was so horrible. Sighing, I got into my shower thinking about just any and everything
Once I got out, I looked at myself in the mirror really studying my features, I did this a lot It was calming but stressing towards me a bit, I really pointed out all of my odds in my features, and I seen new features on me from time to time that made me feel special
"Namjoon!" I heard my mom yell, making me snap out of whatever mindset I was in putting my clothes on and going downstairs to be met with my mom and dad at the dinner table
"Sorry, I took a shower" I said looking down at the food on my plate, happy it was my favorite, but I felt eyes on me making me feel a little disappointed "So you held us up from eating" I heard my dad say making me sigh, I knew he was going to say something eventually "No sir, not intentionally" I began saying and he scoffed "you always seem to let me down. "He said sternly grabbing his plate and going to his office Leaving me to think about what he just said
Not noticing there was a tear streaming down my eye, feeling a hand on mine, I looked up to see my mom, with a small smile on her face "it's gonna be okay, he's just stressed out with work" she told me making me nod wiping my tears that I finally noticed "Let's eat, and watch a movie after?" My mom suggested making me nod agreeing
I loved my mom.
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"So many people that I know they jus tryna touch ya"I sung on the phone with Cam as he sung along, "kiss ya and rub up and feel up, kiss up and rub up and feel up on you" he sung back making me laugh
"Can yall stop flirting and take y'all asses to sleep" Camiyah said walking in, her bonnet on, and the matching pajamas we was wearing crossing her arms
I tried not to laugh at her
"We not flirting" I said finally and Cam agreed nodding and smiling although Camiyah couldn't see him "whatever, Cam hang up on my sister so she can take her add to bed" Camiyah said before walking away "How we was flirting?" I turned to look at him and he just shrugged
"Sooo bestie how was practice?" I asked him making him roll his eyes "Boring as hell, and we had to do suicides bruh, I was finna cry during practice I swear" he started sayin and I began laughing, I'm so happy we didn't have a hard practice today "Shut up, whatchall do for practice tho?" He asked raising a brow
"Something light, a couple laps around the gym, and the learned the choreo to the cheers" I said shrugging, after the second year of cheering I got used to the workouts
"Yea yeah, maybe I should be a cheerleader instead of a football player" Cam said then getting up and attempting to do the splits My jaw dropped as soon as I seen him try to go down into the split form "Cam get yo dumbass up" I said laughing He rolled his eyes sassily "girllluhh you jus mad I can dewww it betta" he said standing up and putting his hands on his hips "And isss" I said jokingly shaking my head laughing he began laughing also
"Oh shit I forgot to tell you, Namjoon? Our partner he wants us to go over his tomorrow so we can get some of this stuff done" Cam explained to me, making me go confused "but we all have practice?" I said and he just shrugged This nigga was confusing as hell
"I'll see if I can but I don't know for sure" I said making him agree understanding, Cam and I began talking for a bit before saying our goodbyes and going to bed