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"I can't wait to go home after this football game" I said to Camiyah at rehearsal before the football game "me too, I got shit to do early tomorrow" she told me making me nod "what we got tomorrow?" I asked making her shake her head "not WE dumbnut ME I'm getting piercing" she said happily sticking her tongue out
She always gettin a new piercing, first it was her bellybutton, then her tongue then her nose, then her back dimples "Alright ladies, be back at around 5:30 cause the game start at 7" the coach told us making all of us nod and leave
"Do the footballers still got practice right now?" I asked Camiyah wanting to call Cam "ion kno, probably, I mean there is a home game today" she said making me nod "I guess" I shrugged, we stopped at the gas station before we went home so I went in and got me a slushy and a pickle
"Wassup ma" I heard behind me as I stood in line, I slightly turned around looking at the boy behind me, he wasn't ugly so I shrugged and smiled at him "hey" I waved a bit "you're mad fine, I can getcho number?" He asked making me think before nodding and giving him my number before going up and paying for my things
After I paid I left and went to Camiyahs car as she was pumping her gas Gettin in the car I immediately got a text message
Watchin u walk had to have been The sexiest thing ever
I- What happened to.. hello
Yeah yea 😂 How old u is lil mama
16, hbu?
17 finna be 18 in 2 months Wyo?
Nothing rlly lmao, I got a fb game To be at in a couple hours
U got a man in fb Or sum? 😒😂
Nawl, I'm a cheerleader 😭😭
Oh wrd? Wha schoo you go to I wanna see yo dumbass cheer
Generary Eagles 🤷🏽♀️ Better be there or ima bya it start at 7
Yes ma'am 😂
"Who text messages you smiling at" Camiyah asked me, I didn't even realize she got into the car "this boy that gave me his number in the gas station I said shrugging and she nodded "is he cute?" She asked me "he ain't ugly" I shrugged laughing
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